Although I’ve replaced Emma Roberts as my favorite celebrity kid on my list of celebrity kids I like that I have written on my bathroom wall in semen with Johnny Depp’s kid… I still have a warm place in my hot for her, she’s skinny, she’s cute, there’s something about her that I like…probably her daddy issues…but then again, her dad is hardly a celebrity, I mean sure he’s had his Oscar win, but the movies he does now are more school projects for NETFLIX than real movie, I mean their is a camera there but based on that logic, every social media whore is a fucking movie star… She’s still got that level of entitled cunt, but with more to prove because her dad is such a fuck up, making her all the more interesting a character… To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE The post Emma Roberts is Hot of the Day appeared first on .
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Emma Roberts is Hot of the Day