Tag Archives: evil-emperors

Joanna Krupa’s Vollyball Playing Volleyball Shaped Fake Titties in a Bikini of the Day

I recently banged a girl with small fake tits, the kind you wouldn’t know were fake tits, cuz why bother getting fake tits that aren’t ridiculous, unless you were chipping a tooth on their tennis ball firmness….and you know she made me a believer in the fact that fake tits aren’t as bad as I used to think they were…. You know, they save a bitch from having shitty tits, a fate sometimes worse than death, and they look great when they are bouncing on your dick….or when in bathing suits, bras, clothes, whatever…. But unless shit is for a cancer survivor, the kind of girl who gets fake tits remains the same, whether they are the stupid sized ones or the little one….an insecure, uncomfortable in themselves, possibly self hating, definitely seeking the attention or approval of others, probably cuz one of their family members probably abandoned them as a child. Here’s the video footage I watched on mute, even though I am sure it has amazing high caliber journalistic qualities to it… To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Joanna Krupa’s Vollyball Playing Volleyball Shaped Fake Titties in a Bikini of the Day

Julianne Moore’s Not So Hot Bikini Bottomed Ass of the Day

Julianne Moore is old. She’s not that tight bodied…but since the early 90s, she’s been showing her natural red headed pussy in movies, and there’s something pretty fucking endearing about that…here’s a full frontal clip that someone made it past the evil emperors at Youtube….. Ive never been able to jerk off to the bitch in her 3 decade long career, but she did make me less scared of redheaded pussy…but shoving it down my throat over and over again…. More importantly, I always fixate on Amanda Seyfried in the AMAZING LESBIAN MILF SEX SCENE IN CHLOE …..but you know what…there were two vaginas in the room and the old bitch deserves some love too…. Even if seeing her in these bikini bottoms….is far less than inspiring. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

See the article here:
Julianne Moore’s Not So Hot Bikini Bottomed Ass of the Day