Tag Archives: evil-unleashed

DVD: This Super Bowl Sunday, Treat Yourself to a Good Cry

While the appeal of televised sports has generally eluded me, I do understand how events like the Super Bowl provide much-needed emotional release for football fans. Whether you’re cheering your team to victory, yelling at that stupid ref, or keening over a botched play, it’s a way to release tension and bottled-up feelings in a socially acceptable way. I get the same purgative experience with a good tearjerker, so if you’re not into football, watch those commercials later on Hulu and curl up with a good three-hanky DVD instead.

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DVD: This Super Bowl Sunday, Treat Yourself to a Good Cry

REVIEW: America Seriously Needs to Evict The Roommate

After all of the trailers for movies featuring werewolves, a priest battling evil unleashed from the Stygian depths of some CGI master hard drive and Seth Rogen as an alien, the poor, mild-mannered scare picture The Roommate didn’t stand a chance. Sensation exhaustion had set. Even the flirty-eyed Aly Michalka, laboring mightily to conceal the curly haired flair she displays on Hellcats , can’t save the meekness that is Roommate . It’s the kind of live-action sub-mediocrity that usually comes with 3-D glasses. And the only fear this movie will inspire is when you realize the goggles being passed out at the ticket counter are for the far luckier patrons of Sanctum .

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REVIEW: America Seriously Needs to Evict The Roommate