Tag Archives: except-the-tit

Bella Hadid Titty Slip of the Day

It’s nice to see that garbage people remain garbage people when they get some level of fame and celebrity thanks to their dad buying it for them… Whether it was him paying magazines to give her a cover to help in the marketing, or a PR team, or the Kris Jenner…this is all fabricated via trolling…the dad is a rich ego and this helps feed his ego…I mean what narcissist wouldn’t want his daughter to be a huge deal in fashion…when really she was destined to nothing. That said, being a huge deal in fashion is really the equivalent to being nothing.. Sure there’s money, experiences, fame and exposure…that is all pretty fucking superficial and unfulfilling… There is so much good a person could do with their influence, especially this one, she could do a charity for rats to go with her rat face, or anything that has any level of value.. Instead, she’s just a vapid media manipulator for a lazy media that celebrates this kind of nonsense… There is zero interesting about her, except the tit, the tit is fine, but she’s not hot, cool, interesting, and her life isn’t something I think anyone should aspire to have…and all these brands throwing money at her just lack vision and are lazy…and confused.. The world could be a great place if people were better…and didn’t care about such fucking DRIVEL… I mean sure the tit is out for attention, but if you want to exploit yourself for attention give me something to jerk off to…know your fucking role…instagram model..rich kid…disgusting human. HEre are her nipples with Kaia Gerber

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Bella Hadid Titty Slip of the Day