Tag Archives: exchanges-sex

Pink’s Milk Filled Tits of the Day

I don’t like Pink. I am actually surprised the birth was legit and not just her acting like she doesn’t have a cock cuz her husband’s shy about the whole likely a fag thing….but I love milk filled titts… Cuz MILK FILLED TITTIES are both nice to look at, play with and most importantly…they are delicious… Now, I’m not as weird as some of the fetish dudes I know, who seek out hookers who can lactate… I am however weird enough to get hard everytime I see a bitch breast feed in public…partially cuz I get to see tit in public, but more importantly cuz I get towonder what the sweet nectar their baby is sucking out of them… Maybe I’m just malnourished and like an African baby…my body knows I’m missing critical nutrients thanks to a french fry diet….and craves it in it’s purest form…. But I think it’s got more to do with being a pervert…who can’t get enough of the genius design of a tit… It’s one of those things that I’d want to be deserted on an island with….fun to play with, fun to look at, ever fun to jerk off to or on, all while having the capacity to feed you so you don’t starve to death… Here’s Pink….a name I think she chose cuz it means vagina…something she always wished she had….but this baby’s fucking up that theory…we’ll get to the bottom of this one day…

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Pink’s Milk Filled Tits of the Day

Victoria Silvstedt’s Whore Legs of the Day

Here’s some Swedish whore legs on a bitch who isn’t actually a whore…but might as well can be called one…cuz by definition a whore is someone who exchanges sex for personal gain…and whether it’s marketed on the street corner, or in the back of a local newspaper, or on Craigslist, or is in the form of being the mistress to some billionaire midget….but then again all girls date guys they can get some personal gain from…whether it is their money, or the security they offer….while all dudes date girls for sex and don’t mind paying for shit as long as they get sex…meaning the entire world is filled with whores and johns, from your mom, to your neighbor…and that shouldn’t make Victoria Silvstedt come across as a better human cuz we can all relate…she’s still living the good life thanks to her fake tits, a stint in Playboy and a hot fucking body…that got her the role as a side line pussy to a billionaire….and the only good thing about this is that she’s getting old and it will all end for her…and I look forward to that…

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Victoria Silvstedt’s Whore Legs of the Day