Tag Archives: exxxotica-expo

Chicago Exxxotica Expo 2014 Pictures

Feel free to pretend like you didn’t already know this if your boss or girlfriend is around, but it was the 2014 Exxxotica Expo in Chicago over the weekend. And I figured since I do posts on amateur porn stars like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton all the time, I might as well do one on the pros too. Now I know I’ve been down on American porn stars and said they’re all ugly in the past, but maybe things are finally starting to turn around, since there’s actually a few cuties in here. That or maybe my standards are just lower. Either way, go ahead and enjoy, because this is about as SFW as these chicks get. » view all 32 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Chicago Exxxotica Expo 2014 Pictures

EXXXOTICA Expo 2014 Disappoints

I figured I’d take a quick break from our regularly-scheduled celebrity hottie programming to bring you pictures from a porn star convention as a little public service announcement. See, I know I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again: American porn stars are damn ugly these days, and it’s about time we change that. So to all you wannabe celebs out there, forget trying to break into movies, and start making adult movies instead. Because judging from the competition at the annual Exxxotica Expo in Atlantic City again this year, we could use some exciting new talent in the porn industry way more than we need another bikini model or reality TV star. And FYI, yes, I am available as a sex tape consultant. » view all 20 photos Photos: WENN.com

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EXXXOTICA Expo 2014 Disappoints

Exxxotica 2012 Pictures

Because I’m guessing your porn addiction hasn’t gotten to the point where you book time off work to head down to a porn convention, here’s what you missed out on from this year’s Exxxotica Expo : a ton of porn stars showing off a bunch of cleavage. But don’t worry, there’s always next year. Just tell your boss you’re taking a few days off to do a charity mission, and as long as you find some chick named Charity to sign your underwear, you won’t even be lying. It’s a foolproof plan. » view all 43 photos Related Articles: The Most Beautiful Girl From The AVN Awards!!! Is Jenna Jameson Looking Better? Jenna Jameson Wants You To Pleather Yourself Jenna Jameson Brings Out The Porno Boobs Photos: WENN.com

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Exxxotica 2012 Pictures