Did Facebook Reveal Private Email Addresses Last Night [Your Privacy Is An Illusion]? 1 answers , 0 raves A brief rift in the Facebook privacy shield has been healed, but not before dozens of people documented it. For about 30 minutes late Tuesday, private email addresses were revealed—and then, just as suddenly, they were hidden again. One tipster documented the breach in real time: 6:46PM: I cannot fucking believe it. Everybody’semail has been turned on to the public for at least the past 30 min. I tried going into my account to remove my email b/c I have an issue with a crazed stalker. But I wasn’t able to. God I fucking hate FB!! When will they ever learn?! 7:14PM: It looks like FB fixed it now. For my account anyway, it’s not longer showing up to the public. And for about 30 of the other FB users I was testing this with (who I am not connected to but who I know have their profiles totally locked down/private), their emails are no longer public. But some of them still are… Twitter users noticed the break inemail privacy, too: Facebook has new privacy alterations coming up, but this doesn’t appear to be part of it. Anyone know what happened? Tell us . http://bennyhollywood.com/blog/facebook-revealed-private-emai… Facebook Knows way to much about me!!!! 100% (1 answers) Facebook knows nothing about me!!! 0% (0 answers)

Original post:
Did Facebook Reveal Private Email Addresses Last Night [Your Privacy Is An Illusion]?
Posted in Gossip, Hot Stuff, TV
Tagged account, addresses, addresses-last, bennyhollywood, celeb news, Facebook, facebook-knows, facebook-reveal, Hollywood, illusion, least-the-past, privacy-shield, totally-locked