Tag Archives: faced-cleavage

Nicole Richie’s Implants in a Dress of the Day

Nicole Richie is fucking garbage. She’s an annoying bratty spoiled cunt who should have ended up in the gutter, a dumpster, or a foster home, on someone’s steps, dead in the trunk of a car or wherever the fuck unfit mothers leave their babies….but instead she became the real life Annie and instead of being humble or appreciative about it….you know like “hey I’m not actually a Richie, but a fucking unwanted child who doesn’t deserve any of this….maybe I should be a little classier than the garbage I am”…..you know just a typical adopted girl story with a bad attitude….more importantly..she’s not hot…. But she is a scientific anomally….she went from fat chick with shit tits….to a skinny chick with full, equal sized, not so shit tits that she likes to show off….in what you would call a gift from science in the form of breast implants….cuz implants save shitty tits – even on shitty people…..it just costs money To see the rest of her ratty faced cleavage FOLLOW THIS LINK

Original post:
Nicole Richie’s Implants in a Dress of the Day

Nicole Richie’s Implants in a Dress of the Day

Nicole Richie is fucking garbage. She’s an annoying bratty spoiled cunt who should have ended up in the gutter, a dumpster, or a foster home, on someone’s steps, dead in the trunk of a car or wherever the fuck unfit mothers leave their babies….but instead she became the real life Annie and instead of being humble or appreciative about it….you know like “hey I’m not actually a Richie, but a fucking unwanted child who doesn’t deserve any of this….maybe I should be a little classier than the garbage I am”…..you know just a typical adopted girl story with a bad attitude….more importantly..she’s not hot…. But she is a scientific anomally….she went from fat chick with shit tits….to a skinny chick with full, equal sized, not so shit tits that she likes to show off….in what you would call a gift from science in the form of breast implants….cuz implants save shitty tits – even on shitty people…..it just costs money To see the rest of her ratty faced cleavage FOLLOW THIS LINK

Excerpt from:
Nicole Richie’s Implants in a Dress of the Day