Tag Archives: think-it-really

Ariadne Artiles’ Sexy Lingerie Pictures

I’ve never heard of this Adriadne Artiles hottie, I assume she’s a supermodel of some sort, but I’ve got shots of her in a bunch of lingerie so I don’t think it really matters. Obviously she’s a supermodel, I mean look at the woman, you don’t see women walking around looking like this everyday. She’s clearly very talented, look a the way she lies around in her knickers. Excellent.

Nicole Richie’s Implants in a Dress of the Day

Nicole Richie is fucking garbage. She’s an annoying bratty spoiled cunt who should have ended up in the gutter, a dumpster, or a foster home, on someone’s steps, dead in the trunk of a car or wherever the fuck unfit mothers leave their babies….but instead she became the real life Annie and instead of being humble or appreciative about it….you know like “hey I’m not actually a Richie, but a fucking unwanted child who doesn’t deserve any of this….maybe I should be a little classier than the garbage I am”…..you know just a typical adopted girl story with a bad attitude….more importantly..she’s not hot…. But she is a scientific anomally….she went from fat chick with shit tits….to a skinny chick with full, equal sized, not so shit tits that she likes to show off….in what you would call a gift from science in the form of breast implants….cuz implants save shitty tits – even on shitty people…..it just costs money To see the rest of her ratty faced cleavage FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Nicole Richie’s Implants in a Dress of the Day

Laura Vandervoort in her Underwear for Esquire of the Day

Lauren Vandervoort is some Canadian actress whose beaver I have never and will never have the opportunity to skin and make into fancy hats for Europeans….. I don’t know what she’s done in terms of career, but I don’t think it really maters…. CUZ I’VE POSTED HER HOT ASS BEFORE….AND IT IS HOT ….. She’s probably not important, but she is important enough for Esquire and ME IN MY PLACE to partner up together to tag team her into inviting them into her house to take pics of her in her panties…becausee girls will do anything for attention…. A tag team that may not involve HIV or unwanted pregnancy or even herpes…but a tag team nonetheless… Here are the pics Here is the video where she talks about hockey and uses it as a metaphor to further pigeonhole all Canadians with these stereotypes we can never live down…..

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Laura Vandervoort in her Underwear for Esquire of the Day

Laura Vandervoort in her Underwear for Esquire of the Day

Lauren Vandervoort is some Canadian actress whose beaver I have never and will never have the opportunity to skin and make into fancy hats for Europeans….. I don’t know what she’s done in terms of career, but I don’t think it really maters…. CUZ I’VE POSTED HER HOT ASS BEFORE….AND IT IS HOT ….. She’s probably not important, but she is important enough for Esquire and ME IN MY PLACE to partner up together to tag team her into inviting them into her house to take pics of her in her panties…becausee girls will do anything for attention…. A tag team that may not involve HIV or unwanted pregnancy or even herpes…but a tag team nonetheless… Here are the pics Here is the video where she talks about hockey and uses it as a metaphor to further pigeonhole all Canadians with these stereotypes we can never live down…..

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Laura Vandervoort in her Underwear for Esquire of the Day

Heidi Montag: Nude in Playboy For Real!

We take back what we said about Heidi Montag’s Playboy photo shoot. Well, not what we said about the wife of Spencer Pratt being unattractive and airbrushed. That’s still true

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Heidi Montag: Nude in Playboy For Real!

Nude, But Nice: Co-Stars Defend Vanessa Hudgens

Granted, Vanessa Hudgens has a penchant for nudity . But that doesn’t make her a bad person.

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Nude, But Nice: Co-Stars Defend Vanessa Hudgens

Mila Jovovich is a Monster of the Day

I thought Mila Jovovich fell off the radar because she was heavily pregnant and probably had her kid and was raising the shit, I didn’t think she was off getting a sex change. I mean not that she looks that much like a man in these pictures, but she looks like she’s been in a held hostage in communist Russia for war crimes and they’ve re-programmed her to be some killing machine, like one of her stupid movies, but maybe she’s just not the hot model everyone loved in the 90s, and I guess that’s what happens when you get old and decide to start avoiding the sun, because you’re a mother now and skin cancer is irresponsible parenting…. I don’t know what i am talking about, but I know it must be good, and I’d totally be my friend, if I didn’t hate myself, especially after wriitng garbage like this post…..

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Mila Jovovich is a Monster of the Day

Rachel Bilson Gets Attacked By a Tall Chick of the Day

You know what sucks? Trying to write two posts on Rachel Bilson in two days. I mean bitch hasn’t really done anything worth talking about, unless being engaged to the cunt who played Darth Vader in the Star Wars the Next Generation is something worth talking about, and I don’t think it really is

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Rachel Bilson Gets Attacked By a Tall Chick of the Day

Guy Strips a Girl on Spanish TV to Start the Day of the Day

I don’t know what’s going on in this video, but it’s supposed to be Spanish TV proving that it is better than American TV, where some dude rips off a girl’s dress and she runs off stage humilated, despite clearly being a whore hired for this stunt, because I’ve been in situations where I needed to rip off a girls clothes to get to her pussy and it never worked out this smoothly….She usually wakes up half way and bits my dick I’ve so gently placed in her mouth. Either way, I just woke up cuz I am a bum who spent my night doing blow, or what was supposed to be blow but may have been meth cut with baby powder cut with glass for all I fuckin’ know, on the roof of an apartment building with a couple other degenerates so give me a few minutes to regroup…and greet this day with anger and hate and while you do watch this Spanish Jerry Springer shit cuz it’s funny

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Guy Strips a Girl on Spanish TV to Start the Day of the Day