Hairy little Disney Troll who you may not really understand why she gets work, unless you’re a producer and figure she’s been trained by Disney, she’s used to working for free and sucking dick to be the chosen one amongst many…all while new girls ware way bigger risks…who you may remember from leaking nude pics of her unshaven self, that would have been hot to a bush lover like me, if I knew that that wasn’t her troll pussy’s 5 o’clock shadow…because that’s how life is for hairy little monkeys like Vanessa Hudgens.. Well she’s in this issue of Nylon, hipster mag turned tween girl mag, and she looks good enough for me…but then again so does most average at best things…I mean so does most rotting mouth, obese yet eager things…I am a pretty easy audience…
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Vanessa Hudgens in NYLON Of the Day