Tag Archives: know-the-ones

Vanessa Hudgens in NYLON Of the Day

Hairy little Disney Troll who you may not really understand why she gets work, unless you’re a producer and figure she’s been trained by Disney, she’s used to working for free and sucking dick to be the chosen one amongst many…all while new girls ware way bigger risks…who you may remember from leaking nude pics of her unshaven self, that would have been hot to a bush lover like me, if I knew that that wasn’t her troll pussy’s 5 o’clock shadow…because that’s how life is for hairy little monkeys like Vanessa Hudgens.. Well she’s in this issue of Nylon, hipster mag turned tween girl mag, and she looks good enough for me…but then again so does most average at best things…I mean so does most rotting mouth, obese yet eager things…I am a pretty easy audience…

See the original post:
Vanessa Hudgens in NYLON Of the Day

Izabel Goulart Workout Video of the Day

When it comes to Izaebel Goulart, even the not very sexy videos of her working out are hot as fuck…you know the ones where her ass exercises aren’t in HD, wearing skimpy shorts and that I can barely make out every crevice, fold and inch of her body…but it’s still nice to see her doing long skinny leg moves…in an up and down motion…because it helps me imagine my face being her sweat soaked panties…that is if she’s even wearing panties…I’m in love…and you should be too…especially if you’re a fat girl…use this to motivate you to start starving for male attention…

See the article here:
Izabel Goulart Workout Video of the Day

Julianne Hough Is Still Premiering That Movie

Are you getting sick of Julianne Hough yet? Me neither. Here she is at another premiere or party or whatever this is for that Rock Of Ages garbage. How many premieres can one stupid movie have? Anyhow, she’s showing off her tight body in a flashy neon yellow dress so who cares. I like it and all, but I think she needs to hang up the classy dresses and slip into the trashier ones, the ones she’d wear if she was single and trying to make someone jealous. You know the ones I’m talking about.

Victoria Beckham Grabbing David Beckham’s Billboard Balls of the DAy

You probably figured out with the half dozen kids these freaks have that Victoria Beckham is a total whore who loves her husbands cum and apparently where his cum comes from….sticking around despite his cheating on her and all the scandals….all because she loves where his cum comes from….and here she is in New York for fashion week making a statement or tribute to them balls by doing one of those “tourist” pictures, you know the ones you see assholes put on facebook that normally involve holding the leaning tower up, or making the EIffel Tower stick out of their asses, only Posh Spice is doing it substantially better…cuz I like middle aged moms getting drunk and slutty especially on camera….it is the good kind of embarrassing for everyone involved…especially the kids back home…about to get teased by their friends after seeing their mom on youtube drunk dancing at a wedding…or grabbing at balls….Married couples are so weird.

The rest is here:
Victoria Beckham Grabbing David Beckham’s Billboard Balls of the DAy

Scarlett Johansson Isn’t Sorry For Taking Those Nude Photos of Herself

You know the ones. Her legal team did their best to wipe them from the internet, and she enlisted the FBI to catch the perp who leaked them, but Scarlett Johansson isn’t apologizing for taking those skinfamous nude photos of herself. Scarlett is on the cover of the December issue of Vanity Fair , and in the accompanying (sk)interview she says those photos were meant for her then-husband Ryan Reynolds ‘ eyes only: “They were sent to my husband…There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not like I was shooting a porno,” She says, adding cheekily, “Although there’s nothing wrong with that either.” Speaking of cheeks, not only does Scarlett know she’s looking good in those photos, she sounds downright cocky about it: “I know my best angles,” she says. So, it’s cool if we post them on Mr. Skin then? Just kidding, Scarlett (please don’t sue us)! Members can check out Scarlett Johansson ‘s best angles right here at MrSkin.com!

Read more:
Scarlett Johansson Isn’t Sorry For Taking Those Nude Photos of Herself

Cameron Diaz Shows Off Some Legs

I’m actually kind of impressed with these pictures of Cameron Diaz , she looks pretty amazing for a chick her age. Here she is showing off her long legs in a short skirt at some Bad Teacher event the other night. I guess that’s a new movie she’s in, who knows, but I know I’d like to make a few home movies with this lady. Nothing too dirty, just Cameron, myself and about half a dozen blonde bikini bimbos from the ’80′s. You know the ones with the big teased hair and even bigger breasts. Good times.

Cheryl Tweedy’s Hotness Is At It Again

My future ex-wife Cheryl Tweedy is at it again, showing off her incredible hotness, this time in a sexy little leopard print dress. She’s bringing out the hunter in me, I wish I had one of those cool blown dart guns that I’ve seen in National Geographic magazines and old time adventure safari movies. You know the ones that will put you to sleep faster than a night at home with the girlfriend watching that Sex and the City movie. Enjoy.