Tag Archives: assholes-put

Victoria Beckham Grabbing David Beckham’s Billboard Balls of the DAy

You probably figured out with the half dozen kids these freaks have that Victoria Beckham is a total whore who loves her husbands cum and apparently where his cum comes from….sticking around despite his cheating on her and all the scandals….all because she loves where his cum comes from….and here she is in New York for fashion week making a statement or tribute to them balls by doing one of those “tourist” pictures, you know the ones you see assholes put on facebook that normally involve holding the leaning tower up, or making the EIffel Tower stick out of their asses, only Posh Spice is doing it substantially better…cuz I like middle aged moms getting drunk and slutty especially on camera….it is the good kind of embarrassing for everyone involved…especially the kids back home…about to get teased by their friends after seeing their mom on youtube drunk dancing at a wedding…or grabbing at balls….Married couples are so weird.

The rest is here:
Victoria Beckham Grabbing David Beckham’s Billboard Balls of the DAy