Tag Archives: because-other

Jasmine Tookes Nipples in GQ of the Day

Jasmine Tookes is the token Black or maybe she’s Indian, I mean she’s definitely of color to make the brand seem like they are all-inclusive, like a shitty resort I got Chlamydia in the hot tub, at least that’s what I told my wife, it was really in some fat chick I met at the bar while on a family vacation, it’s always the fat ones you don’t think fuck, who you use no condom with thinking you’re safe based on logic, who actually fuck more than they eat cake, because they want it, and never use condoms because other guys think they are the only one fucking them.. Not a problem Jasmine Tookes has, I mean this girl is pretty substantial, I guess trying to build her profile, doing media, targing men, hoping they jerk off to her as girls do…. Lookin’ Good. The post Jasmine Tookes Nipples in GQ of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jasmine Tookes Nipples in GQ of the Day

Lauren Cohan for Nylon of the Day

I guess it would make sense for the media to release pictures of Lauren Cohan from The Walking Dead – the day after The Walking Dead happened on TV and someone like me who never saw the Walking Dead….and will never see The Walking Dead…because other than Zombieland – I can’t fuck with Zombies….they are a stupid concept for me to care about, even if the idea of an apocalypse by disease ridden half dead brain eating monsters to reset the world and how horrible it is – is a fantasy I’m sure we all live with, at least after spending an hour or two on Facebook and having your soul and your intelligence destroyed by society.

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Lauren Cohan for Nylon of the Day

Lucy Mecklenburgh in a Bikini of the DAy

I don’t know who this UK trash is, I can assume she’s some low level stripper in a reality show out there, because other than a few hot models, the UK is really known for grey skinned, rotten toothed, fat chicks, who like eating bland food when not chimney sweeping to pay the rent in their cold water 1800s updated flat.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS INCLUDING SOME CAMELTOE CLICK HERE

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Lucy Mecklenburgh in a Bikini of the DAy

Funniest Andy Samberg 'Digital Shorts'

Link: http://www.popeater.com/2009/09/27/fu… In celebration of the SNL season premiere (because other things happened besides Jenny Slate's f-bomb ) here's a collection of the all-time most riotous 'Digital Shorts' that Andy's sick brain has ever concocted.

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Funniest Andy Samberg 'Digital Shorts'

Mila Jovovich is a Monster of the Day

I thought Mila Jovovich fell off the radar because she was heavily pregnant and probably had her kid and was raising the shit, I didn’t think she was off getting a sex change. I mean not that she looks that much like a man in these pictures, but she looks like she’s been in a held hostage in communist Russia for war crimes and they’ve re-programmed her to be some killing machine, like one of her stupid movies, but maybe she’s just not the hot model everyone loved in the 90s, and I guess that’s what happens when you get old and decide to start avoiding the sun, because you’re a mother now and skin cancer is irresponsible parenting…. I don’t know what i am talking about, but I know it must be good, and I’d totally be my friend, if I didn’t hate myself, especially after wriitng garbage like this post…..

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Mila Jovovich is a Monster of the Day

Rachel Bilson Gets Attacked By a Tall Chick of the Day

You know what sucks? Trying to write two posts on Rachel Bilson in two days. I mean bitch hasn’t really done anything worth talking about, unless being engaged to the cunt who played Darth Vader in the Star Wars the Next Generation is something worth talking about, and I don’t think it really is

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Rachel Bilson Gets Attacked By a Tall Chick of the Day

Eva Longoria’s is American of the Day

We get it Eva, you’re insecure about being a Mexican because other Americans look down on your border jumpin’ strategy to get into the country, where you are forced to work illegally, hoping to never get caught and deported, but that doesn’t mean you have to overcompensate and dress like the fuckin’ flag. It’s like that time I overcompensated for being a mexican immigrant by trying to get a job and showing the world we’re not lazy, before realizing that was a stupid idea, so I got fired and was forced to live off my wife.

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Eva Longoria’s is American of the Day