Tag Archives: failed-public

Senate Democrats move ahead on crucial health bill vote

WASHINGTON – With no margin for rebellion, Senate Democrats pushed toward a crucial weekend test vote on their sweeping health care bill Friday, and wavering moderates appeared to be falling in line on President Barack Obama's signature issue.

Read more:
Senate Democrats move ahead on crucial health bill vote

State Medical Association says pot prohibition is ‘failed public health policy’

In a laudable nod to the obvious, members of the California Medical Association's (CMA) House of Delegates have endorsed a resolution stating that the criminal prohibition of marijuana is a “failed public health policy.” http://blogs.sfweekly.com/thesnitch/2009/11/chronic_city_its_obvious_–_ca.php added by: JackHerer 5 comments

See the original post here:
State Medical Association says pot prohibition is ‘failed public health policy’