Tag Archives: failure-excites

Tila Tequila Struggles for Attention of the Day

I hate Tila Tequila and I think the rest of the world does too, but she’s trying her fucking hardest to try to rebuild the useless celebrity she had, but no one gives a fuck about her or her crazy stunts, it’s at the point of boring and I knew she was done when she only had 4,000 people watch her strip on webcam a few months ago…but she’s still trying to make noise and get noticed, but it’s only a matter of time before she kills herself, and we can only hope she brings other internet celebrities who tricked the mainstream into thinking they were relevant, like Perez Hilton….. So as much as I want to ignore her existance out of fear that any publicity she gets means she’s winning, I’m confident in thinking that even if I turned my site into a Tila Tequila project, it wouldn’t help her already doomed future….and that failure excites me…. On a sidenote, I met Tila Tequila at her prime, I drank her alcohol she didn’t touch, and here are the videos the Videos ….if you care…. Pics via Bauer

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Tila Tequila Struggles for Attention of the Day