Tag Archives: fall-out-cuz

Shitty Paris Hilton Topless Tanning of the Day

Not only is Paris Hilton at the age where girls stop giving a fuck about what people think, at 30 girls generally get less shy about going topless at a beach, or having a nipple fall out cuz either they’ve had kids and have shown their junk to rooms full of people or they are sluts who have shown their junk to many different rooms filled with one or two people, but she’s also Paris Hilton and never really gave a fuck about what people thought, she just wanted to make sure that they noticed and in getting them to notice she had sex on camera, flashed her body parts, and really just annoyed the fuck out of everyone, naked or not….and here she is tanning topless as expected…cuz toplessness always gets attention….even when the quality of the pics fucking suck.

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Shitty Paris Hilton Topless Tanning of the Day