Tag Archives: fans-regarding

Wait, What?! Toya Wright Says She Gives Memphitz 8 Hall Passes A Year To Dirty Dog

Wait, what?!?! Toya Wright Says She Gives Memphitz 8 Hall Passes Toya Wright is currently garnering some raised eyebrows from fans regarding her marriage. The reality star who’s starring in Bravo’s Untying The Knot alongside her husband Memphitz recently revealed in a preview for the show that she gives her hubby “hall passes” for cheating. How many hall passes? EIGHT a year. Would u allow ur man 2 get a “Hall Pass” 8days out of every yr? #HallPass #Memphitz #ToyaWright pic.twitter.com/Wcu6SbpP1N — Jay (@TresDeuceDeuce) November 7, 2015 Uhhhhh Toya. Twitter has since exploded with reactions from fans who can’t believe that the beauty would give her man a pass to dirty dog. Toya Wright is an idiot for giving Mephitz a “Hall Pass” — Tom Petty (@KOEMYLO) November 7, 2015 i love me some toya wright but that 8 day hall pass tainted her image a little… — Dawan Tamika C. (@BlaQue_Bekoolin) November 7, 2015 Toya Wright gives her Husband a hall pass 8 days a year