Tag Archives: fans-responded

Robin Williams To Be Memorialized in New World of Warcraft Game

His films, his stand-up routines and his talk show appearances will all live forever. And now Robin Williams will also live forever in the world of video games. In the world of World of Warcraft, to be specific. Blizzard Entertainment, the company behind this insanely popular franchise, announced on Thursday that a Williams character will be added to an upcoming version of its game. 21 Memorable Robin Williams Quotes 1. That You May Contribute a Verse What will YOUR verse be? “It will most likely be a character inspired by him or some of his favorite roles of the past,” said lead game designer Ion Hazzikostas. The move comes days after Williams killed himself via hanging at the age of 63. He was an avid gamer and a vocal fan of the World of Warcraft series and fans responded by starting an online petition at Change.org that has garnered over 10,000 signature. Robin Williams: A Look Back at His Life Robin Williams: In Memorium Tributes and words of sympathy continue to pour in regarding Williams, whose wife said yesterday was suffering from early stages of Parkinson’s Disease at the time of his suicide. Not all responses have been positive, however, Gene Simmons is in hot water for basically telling depressed people to kill themselves .

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Robin Williams To Be Memorialized in New World of Warcraft Game

Robin Williams To Be Memorialized in New World of Warcraft Game

His films, his stand-up routines and his talk show appearances will all live forever. And now Robin Williams will also live forever in the world of video games. In the world of World of Warcraft, to be specific. Blizzard Entertainment, the company behind this insanely popular franchise, announced on Thursday that a Williams character will be added to an upcoming version of its game. 21 Memorable Robin Williams Quotes 1. That You May Contribute a Verse What will YOUR verse be? “It will most likely be a character inspired by him or some of his favorite roles of the past,” said lead game designer Ion Hazzikostas. The move comes days after Williams killed himself via hanging at the age of 63. He was an avid gamer and a vocal fan of the World of Warcraft series and fans responded by starting an online petition at Change.org that has garnered over 10,000 signature. Robin Williams: A Look Back at His Life Robin Williams: In Memorium Tributes and words of sympathy continue to pour in regarding Williams, whose wife said yesterday was suffering from early stages of Parkinson’s Disease at the time of his suicide. Not all responses have been positive, however, Gene Simmons is in hot water for basically telling depressed people to kill themselves .

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Robin Williams To Be Memorialized in New World of Warcraft Game