When Robin Williams died unexpectedly last week, the outpouring of emotion from the beloved actor’s millions of fans was unlike anything the Internet has seen in recent years. Robin Williams: His Most Memorable Roles 1. Mork (Mork & Mindy) The role that started it all. Robin Williams starred as an alien on the late 1970s sitcom Mork & Mindy. Horrible as it was to learn that the world had lost such a kind and gifted man, the near universal reverence for Williams made for a welcome silver lining. The flood of fond memories from admirers of all ages was a refreshing change from the bitter divisiveness that usually characterizes online comment boards. So naturally, the folks at the Westboro Baptist Church took one look at all this genuine affection and figured out a way to make it all about hate. Yes, the horrible bigots who celebrated the death of Cory Monteith and encouraged his girlfriend Lea Michele to kill herself are up to their old tricks. The picket-happy fundamentalists announced over the weekend that they plan to protest Williams’ funeral as a result of his portrayal of a gay man in the 1996 film The Birdcage . Plans for Williams’ funeral have not yet been announced, but a recent message on the WBC’s official Twitter page reads: “Westboro Baptist Church Hopes To Preach In Lawful Proximity To Robin Williams’ Funeral – To Warn The Living: Repent Or Likewise Perish.” Fortunately, a non-profit organization called Planting Peace has decided to counteract the astonishing negativity of the WBC protest with a fund-raising campaign. Their efforts will benefit one of Robin’s favorite charities, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. So even in death, Robin is making life better for people in need. Looks like the score is Comedy 1, Hate 0. 21 Memorable Robin Williams Quotes 1. That You May Contribute a Verse What will YOUR verse be?
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Westboro Baptist Church to Protest Robin Williams Funeral, Suck at Life