Although Tommy Wiseau has been quite the prolific actor and tireless spokesman for his debut feature film The Room over the last two decades, it remains the last feature film that he actually directed. … read more
As we mourn the loss of one of our most beloved musicians, Prince, it’s a comfort to know that his legacy will always live on through his prolific performances. Here are just a few of the countless times Prince slayed on stage.
Here’s a fun picture of a girl you’ve probably jerked off to when she was in Spy Kids, like you were Robert Rodriguez, in a “It’s Ok In Mexico”…Roman Polanski defense, but more poor, trailer part, forced to watch Spy Kids because you had kids of your own and your life fucking sucked…and still does.. Well she’s 27 now, I think she’s a mom, or maybe just married, but don’t really keep up on Alexa Vega shit, I’ve never seen Spy Kids and only know of her from famewhoring half naked on social media the last few years….and not from her prolific acting career on shows like Dancing with the Stars as one of the contestants… The post Alexa Vega Shits Out Rainbows of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Jenelle Evans is back in the news again, this time regarding her mistreatment of dogs on Teen Mom 2 and her response to critics of said animal abuse. Seriously. Girl cannot go a week without some new controversy. Concerned viewers saw her dogs – specifically Nathan Griffith’s dog Moogan – basically living in their own filth on a recent Teen Mom 2 episode . Seeing Jenelle drag Nathan’s dog by the collar and lock him in a crate with her own dog, cramming them in so tight that they could barely move? It was hard to stomach. Some people even stole her dog recently, claiming they were protecting the animal; they were arrested and face criminal charges. Thievery aside, fans took to Twitter to express concern. Even PETA got involved, writing an open letter encouraging Jenelle to find a new home for the dogs. “Please understand that dogs are not toys or amusements or possessions just to have around,” the group wrote. “They are full of feelings and needs, just as you are.” “You may not have realized that keeping dogs crated for long periods of time deprives them of everything that is natural and important to them.” “When you scream at them, it clearly frightens and upsets them.” “We urge you to be strong and do what’s right,” they told Jenelle Evans , urging her to “please immediately make the commitment to finding them a new, suitable home.” Instead of being “punished and yelled at for relieving themselves,” PETA adds, dogs deserve to be treated as valued family members, not inconveniences in a busy life.” Jenelle seemed concerned and sincere in sitting down with MTV and said she regretted her dog-related actions, which looked pretty bad on TV. She didn’t take kindly to PETA’s letter, though. She’s been re-tweeting supportive messages from fans, basically saying she didn’t do anything wrong, and sending the above Geico-themed meme directly to PETA. Keep it classy, girl. Always keep it classy. Jenelle Evans & Nathan Griffith: Photos of a Rocky Romance 1. Jenelle Evans Shower Selfie Jenelle Evans poses for a shower selfie with Nathan Griffith. Too cute or TMI?
Legendary actor Robin Williams’ death , which shocked and saddened millions of fans, leaves behind a legacy in spoken words from the silver screen and beyond. From the prolific list of characters he brought to life to his quips and quotable moments in interviews and appearances, his mark on the world will not be soon forgotten. Whether it was a plucky doctor Patch Adams or inspiring teachers in both Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting , Williams had a knack for selecting roles. Delicately balancing both comedy and drama, it seemed as if it was Williams’ mission to bring a rare blend of vitality and humor to his art, no matter the subject. As the world mourns this loss, many are taking a moment to remember the ways in which they were moved and made to feel something by Williams’ work. Here are 21 of Robin Williams’ most memorable quotes from life and film, his verses, if you will. Scroll through them, and tell us: What will YOUR verse be? 21 Memorable Robin Williams Quotes 1. That You May Contribute a Verse What will YOUR verse be?
Legendary actor Robin Williams’ death , which shocked and saddened millions of fans, leaves behind a legacy in spoken words from the silver screen and beyond. From the prolific list of characters he brought to life to his quips and quotable moments in interviews and appearances, his mark on the world will not be soon forgotten. Whether it was a plucky doctor Patch Adams or inspiring teachers in both Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting , Williams had a knack for selecting roles. Delicately balancing both comedy and drama, it seemed as if it was Williams’ mission to bring a rare blend of vitality and humor to his art, no matter the subject. As the world mourns this loss, many are taking a moment to remember the ways in which they were moved and made to feel something by Williams’ work. Here are 21 of Robin Williams’ most memorable quotes from life and film, his verses, if you will. Scroll through them, and tell us: What will YOUR verse be? 21 Memorable Robin Williams Quotes 1. That You May Contribute a Verse What will YOUR verse be?
Renowned for his prolific, fearless filmmaking, Werner Herzog is in fact nothing if not a polymath: Opera director , guerrilla film-school proprietor , diarist and author , septi-continental gadabout , and actor for hire (among other interests). It’s this latter quality that he and I discussed briefly today as he made the rounds for his new capital-punishment doc Into the Abyss — a diametric opposite to the biggest onscreen gig he’s taken to date.
A dark cultural day darkens still with the news that Richard Leacock, the prolific filmmaker who, with fellow directors D.A. Pennebaker, Robert Drew and the Maysles Brothers helped pioneer the nonfiction format known as “direct cinema,” has died at 89 . A sampling of his influential work — and a few valuable life lessons for the up-and-comers out there — after the jump.
A dark cultural day darkens still with the news that Richard Leacock, the prolific filmmaker who, with fellow directors D.A. Pennebaker, Robert Drew and the Maysles Brothers helped pioneer the nonfiction format known as “direct cinema,” has died at 89 . A sampling of his influential work — and a few valuable life lessons for the up-and-comers out there — after the jump.