Tag Archives: fashion-feel

Stoya for Oyster Mag of the Day

Stoya is a pretty legendary and successful pornstar and like a few pornstars before her, she’s decided to do some mainstream fashion editorial shoots, this time for OYSTER MAGAZINE ….She is shot by Tim Barber and I may not know Stoya, but I’ve heard she’s one of those geniuses who got into porn because it’s really easy money and not that big of a deal, who has an actual education, or at least something of interest to say, possibly full of shit like Sasha Grey or the Duke University chick, or maybe legit like my girl ASA AKIRA who I interviewed ….because some porn girls are amazing, others are shit, like some photographs of porn girls are amazing, and others are shit…this one is up there with amazing, because of the bush, the hipster fashion feel, and that’s just what I happen to be into… All this to say…here are the pics.

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Stoya for Oyster Mag of the Day