Tag Archives: fear-the-coming

Apollo 11 Landing ‘Live’ Coverage

Link: http://kottke.org/apollo-11/ Jason Kottke is streaming the original CBS moon walk broadcast, 40 years to the second after it happened.

Originally posted here:
Apollo 11 Landing ‘Live’ Coverage

Reading The Classics With ‘Entourage’

Vinny Chase played Nick Carraway in a fictional Scorcese adaptation of The Great Gatsby , which led to this. At least it's Fitzgerald; Hemingway would literally rise from the grave and strangle Mark Wahlberg before re-killing himself if this were Old Man and the Sea . The latter would probably be more entertaining television, though

See the rest here:
Reading The Classics With ‘Entourage’

Urban Survival Training

onPoint Tactical in Medford, NJ, teaches classes in urban survival and revenue is way up as people fear the coming global Armageddon, but refuse to move to the country and start stockpiling hand guns. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment