Tag Archives: federica torti

Dog in Elevator of the Day

I hate seeing idiots in Elevators with Dogs…unless the bitch getting choked out is a Kardashian…then I am okay with their leashes getting caught in the elevator doors. BUt when it’s a dog, because dogs are more human than people, and it happens because of an idiot owner, it is upsetting…the good news is that it seemed to walk away fine, and the only injured one was the owner…

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Dog in Elevator of the Day

Federica Torti in a Bikini of the Day

It turns out that I will put up pictures of any attention seeking hooker the paparazzi takes pics of – as long as they are in a bikini…. Her name is Federica Torti and apparently she’s an Italian Showgirl…who I guess George Clooney didn’t sign in as a beard to hide his homosexuality, but who is as important as the last Italian hooker he took Hollywood, at least she must be since the paparazzi are taking pics of her in a bikini..right? Who cares, she has a hot body and does cartwheels, I’m into half naked attention seeking circus clowns from other countries. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Federica Torti in a Bikini of the Day