Tag Archives: feeder-trailer

Katie Price is Working Out with Lame MMA Dudes of the Day

Just when I thought Katie Price wasn’t tacky or trashy enough, pictures of her surface training with MMA type dudes in their Tapout clothes, which is pretty much the bottom feeder trailer park Ed Hardy and the shit irritates me just as much but on a different level, because all these lame gym-bo’s who train to fight are far more annoying to be stuck next to waiting for a drink at the bar than a group of clueless chachi motherfuckers, because both groups are loud, but one group gets excited watching people get their faces smashed in while suckin on their slutty girlfriend’s fake aspiring porn star tit with their friends while the other like soccer, tight pants and eating fuckin’ spaghetti with their hot girlfriend who just doesn’t rub them as well as their friend Johnny. That’s not to say that both groups aren’t closet case homosexuals, it is just to say that one is a hell of a lot more angry and poor and instead of pumping fists to electonic music drinking bottles of Goose like the Ed Hardy crowd, the Tapout crowd is drinking beer and punching each other as hard as they can to build up their pain threshold for the day they become the fighters they aspire to be…..and I like to avoid all that shit

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Katie Price is Working Out with Lame MMA Dudes of the Day