Tag Archives: feminist-artist

Catharina Bellini Brings the Pussy to Instagram of the Day

Catharina Bellini is some instagram model from brazil, who is not all that hot, and who compensates by being not that hot, by posting pictures of her tits and pussy on instagram, and presenting it like she’s some kind of feminist artist, who like celebrating her period, becuase her period makes her a woman and it should be smeared on white walls everywhere, even though all bodily fluids should really be kept to your damn self, you don’t see me rubbing my giardiasis feces all over the place celebrating eating some immigrant asshole I shouldn’t have eaten…or more interestingly my snot on door handles for all to touch…keep it to your damn self…you bleed, you’re fertile, doesn’t mean I want that shit on my fucking dick or my bed looking like a murder scene… Either way, pussy on instagram…good times… The post Catharina Bellini Brings the Pussy to Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Catharina Bellini Brings the Pussy to Instagram of the Day