Tag Archives: fetish-sites

Lily Collins Anorexia Erotica of the Day

Lily Collins is trying hard to really get out there riding her Phil Collins daddy name….and she’s in this new movie about anorexia….which speaks to my heart because I like to call girls fat, even skinny girls, I am an asshole…and I like to send people pics of anorexia, because anorexia is hot to me, it’s discipline, it’s fatless and it’s too weak and tired to run….and ever since I saw some Anorexia fetish sites, which in the early 2000s was an actual thing, I felt good knowing other people out there like skinny girls….and are pro eating disorders…. So this trailer for a NETFLIX SHOW they aren’t paying me to post, but should, and if it wasn’t about a hot skinny celebrity daughter trying acting out….porn on so many levels….I wouldn’t be posting it…but since it is….it makes me want to pay NETFLIX…but why bother, people just give me their passwords… The post Lily Collins Anorexia Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lily Collins Anorexia Erotica of the Day