Tag Archives: field-between

Lady Gaga Ass Grabbing on Stage Cuz She’s So Scandalous of the Day

Lady Gaga is so scandalous….grabbing one of her back up dancer’s asses like it has cooties for effect…you know look how much she represents the gay, lesbian and transgendered market she’s exploited….by faking herself into being an “Artist Visionary” on some other level…that other fake losers with no concept of what’s up bought into…and now this…all racy and awkward….ass taps that are more intense on the football field between plays…. She’s the worst…but here she is wearing pasties…looking like Barbara Streisand…or some kind of dinosaur…just to solidfy my hate… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lady Gaga Ass Grabbing on Stage Cuz She’s So Scandalous of the Day