Tag Archives: figure-nothing

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Wet Bikini of the Day

I figure nothing says hit the workout machines cuz it’s 2019 like looking at this fat model who I think is in a fat suit, you know the equivalent of black face only for models who want to be models but aren’t good enough to be models so they force feed themselves and spin the storyline to body positivity and the world celebrates them as they get to eat whatever the fuck they want to maintain….probably a liberating experience when you fully commit to it…. The fact is that she will one day be skinny again, when the money dries up and people remember that fat kill…but until then…fat chick, slow crawl out of the pool, with that slow mo ass jiggle..to inspire your resolutions…. and get that gym membership…even though you can’t outtrain a diet…abs are made in the kitchen…and I guess so are careers for the right fat chick who knows how to angle it right….while we all know that real fat chicks are too lazy, tired and self hating to succeed…we’re onto you Iskra… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES!

The rest is here:
Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Wet Bikini of the Day

Rihanna’s Topless Fashion Pic with Nipple of the Day

Rihanna is alright in my books…she’s famous, rich and does not need to be posing naked, or topless, or even at all…yet she chooses to push her slutty weed head lifestyle on the youth in everything she does and I figure nothing bad will come of that…sex and drugs are fucking awesome….so I am glad she inspires young girls to be topless hookers when they grow up – just like her….cuz if it worked for Rihanna…it’s bound to work for others… I am into this…

See the article here:
Rihanna’s Topless Fashion Pic with Nipple of the Day