It’s always sad when someone gets caught in his craft, especially when his craft is being a Peeping Tom, something that requires some skill and some balls cuz it’s illegal… Let’s face it, these dykes should be happy a dude was willing to peep on them and I really feel for the Peeping Tom, he’s gonna be depressed and embarassed about this for the rest of his life, cuz as a Peeping Tom, I know you only like to get caught for the girls who are really worth getting caught for. You know like the celebrity girls, or the girl who you see walking her dog everyday who you need to follow home to see naked cuz you just can’t take it anymore, not the filler girls you peep on on because you’ve got nothing better to, you know the practice peeps, he should really be ashameed of himself….
See the original post:
Sad Peeping Tom Story of the Day