Brace yourselves, Duggar nation: Jinger Duggar is wearing pants again. That might not seem like a big deal (and it’s certainly not as newsworthy as that time Jinger wore shorts ), but in a way, the 23-year-old is rebelling against her upbringing by donning her Dockers. You see, women in the Duggar family are forbidden from engaging in a number of activities: Sex before marriage, individual thought, and clothing with more than one leg-hole are all off-limits to the Duggar gals – for reasons that aren’t entirely clear. But if there’s one thing the Duggars value above the subjugation of women, it’s the supremacy of men. They’ve instituted a strictly-enforced line of succession so that women are never confused about who they’re supposed to answer to: When a Duggar woman gets married, her husband replaces her father as the master of her mind and body, and it seems Jinger’s dude, Jeremy Vuolo takes a less draconian view toward jeans: Jinger has worn jeans on social media before, but the above photo represents the first time that she’s appeared on one of Jeremy’s social media pages rocking the Devil’s Leggings. It seems to be the couple’s way of confirming what had previously been rumored: Jinger is allowed to wear pants because Jeremy says it’s okay. Given that Vuolo and Jim Bob Duggar clashed several times during Jinger and Jeremy’s courtship, the photo could also be interpreted as a massive middle finger to the Duggar patriarch. Granted, it would be the most tame, passive-aggressive middle finger in the history of middle fingers, but these dare the Duggars we’re talking about. We’re surprised they don’t lop off their middle fingers at birth just to make sure they’re never tempted to direct their sinful wrath at a particularly inept umpire. Anyway, whether Jim Bob likes it or not, it looks like Jinger has every intention of continuing to wear pants. As rebellions go, we suppose he got off pretty easy. But it could be a slippery slope from here. Hell, Jinger’s younger siblings might one day be inspired by her example and wind up drinking a beer or voting for a Democrat. View Slideshow: Jinger Duggar-Jeremy Vuolo Engagement Photos!
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Jinger Duggar: I’m Wearing Pants & I Don’t Care What Jim Bob Thinks!