Tag Archives: filming-erotic

Sylvester Stallone Must Be Very Proud Of His Daughter Sistine Stallone

We’re onto Day 5 of these bonus LOVE Advent videos and it looks like they’re really starting to scrap the bottom of the D-list hot nobody barrel… Because today they’ve got  Sistine Stallone (AKA Sylvester’s daughter) doing “pilates” with her booty out. Sly must be so proud. No, really, I’m being serious. I mean, why wouldn’t he be? He’s rich, his kid never has to work a real job a day in her life, and she’s a total natural when it comes to filming erotic softcore video shoots. I think she’s really found her calling. » view all 27 photos

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Sylvester Stallone Must Be Very Proud Of His Daughter Sistine Stallone