Tag Archives: finally-sunday

On July 6th 2013, I woke up at 5:50 a.m. because my nerves were…

Excerpt from:

On July 6 th 2013, I woke up at 5:50 a.m. because my nerves were at an all-time high. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, and I couldn’t interact with anyone without thinking if or if not I would get that email from BieberFever for July 7 th in Des Moines, Iowa. I had to do something to get my mind off of it, so that morning I went to the zoo. On the way back all I remember thinking is, “I’m fooling myself to think I’ll ever meet Justin.” The minute I waked in the door back home, I saw I had a Twitter notification, and an email, so I figured my email had to do with Twitter, but I opened it anyway.  THERE IT WAS. My heart stopped. My whole world changed at 11:32 a.m. with one email entitled: “RE: BieberFever Best Collection .” Tomorrow I was meeting the boy I had dedicated my teenage years too. I was meeting my everything. The rest of the day went by with hundreds of Twitter congrats, family phone calls, and friend text messages, all shocked, all jealous, and all proud I had actually managed to make my own dream come true. Finally Sunday came, and I woke up with the biggest smile on my face remembering today was the day I waited 4+ years for. We drove to Iowa from Minnesota , and got to our hotel around 11:45. My best friend and I got ready, curled our hair, did our makeup, and helped each other put together the perfect outfit to meet Justin in, one we thought he’d like. We went to the arena around 2:30 and waited in the main concourse until 4 with some of our other friends we ended up meeting Justin with. We then received our wristbands, and as soon as I put the wristband on I immediately knew how incredibly lucky I was to be in that position. I immediately knew today would always be the best day of my entire life, not even my wedding day would top this. A couple hours later we got word to line up against a wall in single file, because we’d be going downstairs in 15 minutes. Let me tell you those were the most nerve wracking minutes of my entire life. What if Justin didn’t like me? What was I going to say? Worst off, what if he thought I was ugly? All of those thoughts came to head when we finally got off the 3 flights of stairs into the actual basement. I remember seeing the curtain open and seeing my first glimpse of Justin, I couldn’t help but sequel, he was just SO perfect. We were told to go in groups of 6, since we were not VIP and did not pay to meet him, but thankfully there was an odd number, and we were told we were the ONLY group that was allowed to go in as 4. Finally it was happening, we were next in line, standing behind the black curtain waiting for it to open, my heart was beating out of my chest, I was sweating, but surprisingly all my nerves had went away it was as if that little sight of Justin put me at comfort. Security told us to put all gifts, all electronics, and everything we didn’t want in the picture on a table to retrieve after. All I wanted was to give Justin was the letter I had worked 4 years to give to him, personally. I hid the letter behind my back and got it in. The curtain opened and all I remember is staring at Justin, he was so perfect, so beautiful, and he WAS REAL. I couldn’t get over the fact he was actually standing right in front of me. While the other group of 6 was finishing up we quickly said hi to Fredo (who stuck he’s tongue out) and waved at us. When it was our turn, all 4 of us were talking at the same time, I think he got a little overwhelmed and wanted to respond to every one of us, but he couldn’t hear. Security yelled at us to take a picture, and the girl standing next to me goes “Justin, can we take a silly picture?” Justin was sick ALL day, and was dead serious in every other picture, but as soon as we asked him for a silly picture, he smiled for the first time during the M&G got all excited and responded in a hyper type voice, “YEAH! LET’S DO IT LADIES!!” Justin put his arms around me, and can I say he has the softest skin I’ve ever felt. Everything was too fast to process, so I starting smiling, while everyone else was being silly. Now that I see the picture, I’m so glad I smiled because you can tell how genuinely happy I was in that smile. After the picture was taken, I heard myself say, “Justin, can you promise me you will read this letter I wrote?” He grabbed it, and I thought he was just going to say “Yes” or something along the lines of that, but no, he grabbed it, held it tight, looked me straight in the eyes even with his sunglasses on, and responds, “Of course sweetheart, I promise you.” As if in those mere seconds, he knew exactly how hard I worked to get that letter to him. We then left the room, as the 2 nd to last to meet Justin, so instead of handing the letter off to Kenny or someone, Justin held the letter in his hand for the last M&G photo. By the way he said those words to me, I’m almost certain he kept that promise. I’m the type of girl who has NO money, NO connections, and does NOT have a million followers, but I promise you if you NEVER give up, it will happen. Dreams come true every day, who knows, next time it could be yours? Never say never. With love, -Lexi (@BieberPriority) See more here: On July 6th 2013, I woke up at 5:50 a.m. because my nerves were…

On July 6th 2013, I woke up at 5:50 a.m. because my nerves were…