White Woman Tells Off BW Hating Black Men In Viral Post Welp! Ms. Jolene is a special brand of caucasian woman. Not the Rachel Dolezal kind of white, but the self-aware and healthy type when it comes to relationships with men of color. Tiffany Jolene uses her Facebook page to blog about dating, relationships, and self care. The young woman posted a warning to Black men who reach out her on a regular, to halt their self-hating pitches before it reaches her DMs. She didn’t expect the rant to go rivil but it has, take a look. PSA for the black males in my friends list and most importantly popping up in my inbox: I’m not the Caucasian for you, baby. If your primary reason for dating white women is because you’re under the self centered delusion that they are more “submissive” and understanding of your inherent refusal to get your shit together without the help of a romantic partner, I am not the Caucasian for you. If you fix your illiterate unmanicured fingers to type anything in the ballpark of devaluing black women in order to make excuses for your trash character, I am not the Caucasian for you. If you say things along the lines of “I just don’t like black women” “I can’t get along with black women” “white women are better partners” I’ll drag you from untappered hairline to worn out shoe laces and proceed to embarrass the shit out of you before blocking you. If your timeline is run amuck with white women emulating black culture I won’t accept your request. Although seizing the opportunity for a drag is tempting, there are just too many of you and my time is limited. You are the bottom feeders of the dating pool, know this. Your taste in women being based on the avoidance of black women, tells me so much more than you even realize. More than I could probably explain without making your tiny little brains explode. But if you’ve read this far: —you’re likely to be intentionally targeting a certain brand of white women because they’re as not privy to your bullshit as black women; having been raised around or by you —�meaning you have zero intention of ever taking responsibility for yourself as you’re actively avoiding women who will sniff out your bullshit and shortcomings much quicker —�most likely to be a narcissist as you highlight your disapproval of black women because of their independence, strength, and take no shit “attitudes” & as such they are much more “difficult” for you to manipulate —you’re fucking lazy —�misogynistic —�disrespecting the shit out of the very woman who birthed your ungrateful ass In closing, don’t come at me. I’m not your brand of Caucasian. “I’m not the caucasian for you.” That had a lot of hurt booty folks in her comments, but Tiffany says she doesn’t care. My Facebook page is set up the way it is intentionally. I have a blog & the ongoing theme is dating, relationships, and self care & self healing. The intent with my blog is to support women in their struggle to get back to loving themselves. All of my posts are tailored to said theme. I post about things I’ve experienced that others may relate to, and it doesn’t have to be something I am currently experiencing. This particular rant was spawn from a side conversation with friends, as most of my rants are. It was about black men, because 90% of my friends list are POC, because the men I was talking about are black men, because the men who I’ve dated and have experiences with are black men, and because the majority of the men my friends date are black men. It wasn’t intended to be taken as me looking for cookies, pats on the head, or cookout invites. It was to repel or discourage a particular group of men from thinking that it would be wise to disrespect, devalue, or degrade black women in my presence. I didn’t address white men or white women because they’re not in my inbox or in my timeline doing any of those things, I have already successfully weeded those people out of my life and out of my spaces. Tiffany definitely stirred the facebook pot with her talking point.
Ain’t Becky: Caucasian Woman Goes Viral After Dragging Self-Hating Black Dudes In DM’s