Tag Archives: facebook-fails

Facebook "Dislike" Button: Coming Soon?

Mark Zuckerberg might want to invest in a Steve Jobs-esque black turtleneck, because the dude has been absolutely crushing it with the big announcements lately. Last month, Zuckerberg revealed that he’s expecting his first child in the kind of intimate, confessional press release (via Facebook, of course) that we don’t generally associate with CEOs. Today, the Zuckster hosted his annual “town hall” meeting at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, CA, and announced that he’s finally giving the people what they want – a quick way to tell their friend that their latest status update totally sucks. Okay, so Facebook won’t be offering the much-demanded thumbs-down “dislike” option as an alternative to its iconic “like” button, but it will soon be providing users with a different way to respond to status updates, so that you can acknowledge a post without giving it a full-blown thumbs up. “It’s important to give people more options than just ‘like’ to help express empathy and sympathy,” Zuckerberg said today. “Not every moment is a good moment.” Reps for Facebook declined to go into further detail, but did claim that Zuckerberg stands by statements he made in December in response to the overwhelming demand for a “dislike” button: “Some people have asked for a dislike button because they want to say, ‘That thing isn’t good,'” Zuckerberg said at the time. “And that’s not something that we think is good for the world. So we’re not going to build that.” The important takeaways here are: We probably won’t be getting a “dislike” button, but we will get something we can click that makes a statement along the lines of “that sucks.”  The dude who’s been a billionaire since college is somehow aware that “not every moment is a good moment.” Maybe someone finally made him watch The Social Network. View Slideshow: 33 Most Epic Facebook Fails of All Time

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Facebook "Dislike" Button: Coming Soon?

People on the Internet Think Steven Spielberg Killed a Dinosaur

A vintage photo of famed director Steven Spielberg on the set of Jurassic Park went hugely viral this week, leaving many Internet users up in arms. Because they believed Spielberg killed the creature for sport, obviously. Jurassic Park , based on the Michael Crichton book of the same name, tells the story of a man who utilizes ancient dinosaur DNA to bring them back as a tourist attraction. Needless to say: That was a bad idea in the book/movie, as those fools ran amok No actual triceratops has been sighted in 65 million years You wouldn’t know the latter if you read people’s Facebook feeds this week, though, after humorist Jay Branscomb posted the photo with the caption: “Disgraceful photo of recreational hunter happily posing next to a Triceratops he just slaughtered. Please share so the world can name and shame this despicable man.” Cue the online furor from people not realizing he’s kidding, or that dinosaurs went extinct a while back. Maybe Kendall Jones is still fresh in their minds? The rant pasted onto the photo above says it all. As do these people: “Steven Spielberg, I’m disappointed in you. I’m not watching any of your movies again ANIMAL KILLER.” “Disgraceful. No wonder dinosaurs became extinct. Sickos like this kill every last one of them as soon as they are discovered.” “He should be in prison.” “He should be killed instead.” “Beautiful creature innocently living millions of years ago then this monster comes along.” Soon enough, it took on a life of its own, spawning all manner of jokes, Spielberg references and vitriol … from haters and haters of those who believed this was real. Where will this rank among the Great Facebook Fails of All Time? That’s for you to decide after scrolling through so many gems we’ve compiled here: 33 Most Epic Facebook Fails of All Time 1. Weird-Looking Parrot! Who chose that bird to put over an American flag pic, honestly? And why?

See the original post here:
People on the Internet Think Steven Spielberg Killed a Dinosaur

Man Goes on Road Trip to Meet ALL His Facebook Friends in Person, Share Experiences

As a typical Facebook user knows, out of our (on average) several hundred “friends,” often only a handful are “real” friends regularly seen face-to-face. Mikel McLaughlin has set out to change that. The 35-year-old set out in a red Volkswagen Beetle on a journey to spend time with each of his 400-plus Facebook friends … some for the first time ever. McLaughlin is documenting the social-media-meets-real-world adventure on his website We’re Friends, Right? He posts photos of his friends like this one: McLaughlin tells People : “I recognized that I had many Facebook friends with which I had little-to-no actual relationship. I wanted to change that, or at least see if it was possible to do so.” “I feel that having a closer relationship with a person helps me to be better. It’s easy to belittle, berate and dismiss somebody with which you have no relationship.” “But when you spend time at their dinner table, play games with their kids, and hear about their lives, it’s a little bit more difficult to be unkind and uncaring toward them.” So far, he has made it through roughly a third of his Facebook list of 400-plus, with only 25 percent being folks he already considered real-life friends. After each meetup, McLaughlin writes a short summary of the day with his “friend” outside the Web, keeping their names private and using only initials. Ranging from awkward to adorable, many of these encounters consist of simply sharing a meal and a conversation. McLaughlin says it’s been worthwhile: “Just about every time I meet with a Facebook friend, my interaction with them is my new most memorable visit, at least until I meet up with the next Facebook friend.” McLaughlin has no set timeline for his experiment, explaining that he is more focused on the quality of the visits, not the quantity or speed involved. Back home in Minnesota for now, he plans to spend time getting together with local Facebook friends before hitting the road once more. We wish him luck. Life is bigger than Facebook, after all … 33 Most Epic Facebook Fails of All Time 1. Weird-Looking Parrot! Who chose that bird to put over an American flag pic, honestly? And why?

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Man Goes on Road Trip to Meet ALL His Facebook Friends in Person, Share Experiences

Jimmy Fallon And The Muppets Sing The 12 Days Of Christmas

I'm a complete sucker for the Muppets. I love Christmas

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Jimmy Fallon And The Muppets Sing The 12 Days Of Christmas

Sammy Sosa's Lighter Skin Revealed In New Pictures

This is so strange! WTF?! Sammy Sosa's skin appears to have lightened considerably. Photographs taken at an event in Las Vegas reveal a surprisingly light pigmentation on the former slugger.

The rest is here:
Sammy Sosa's Lighter Skin Revealed In New Pictures

Those Are Bad Friends

Everyone knows it's not cool to out your werewolf friend, guys. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment