Tag Archives: someone-finally

Johnny Depp Will Beat You With a Brick If You Bully His Kids

Johnny Depp is still doing his version of a media tour to promote his upcoming comeback flick Black Mass, and as the 52-year-old clearly stopped giving a sh-t around the time that Hunter S. Thompson offed himself, it’s made for some interesting moments. First, Depp told a crowd of reporters that he killed and ate his dogs . Just a few days later, her offered to bone Jimmy Kimmel’s entire studio audience .  Through it all, the eccentric star has quietly endured the usual criticisms about his behavior and appearance, including a bizarre Page Six rant that called Depp fat and greasy and speculated about his dental hygiene.  It seems, however, that there’s at least one thing that Depp still takes very seriously. Apparently, if you trash-talk his kids, the last sight you’ll see is Captain Jack caving your head in with blunt object, savvy? Yes, for some reason, the topic of bullying came up during a press conference at the Toronto Film Festival, and Depp got very specific in his threats to any “boogers” who mess with his offspring: “I remember when I was a kid and I was little, like maybe 6 years old or something like that, there was a little horror at the school who was needling me or whatever, and I think I told my mom or something,” Depp told reporters. “I come home from nothing but hillbillies, and my mom said to me, ‘All right, here’s the deal: The next time anybody puts their hands on you, pick up a brick and lay them out.’…If somebody tried to bully my kid, if they didn’t destroy the little booger, I would,” There you have it. If you mess with the Depps, Johnny will reach into his hillbilly past and end you with a brick to the skull. The dude who wrote that Page Six hit-piece might want to invest in a helmet.

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Johnny Depp Will Beat You With a Brick If You Bully His Kids

Facebook "Dislike" Button: Coming Soon?

Mark Zuckerberg might want to invest in a Steve Jobs-esque black turtleneck, because the dude has been absolutely crushing it with the big announcements lately. Last month, Zuckerberg revealed that he’s expecting his first child in the kind of intimate, confessional press release (via Facebook, of course) that we don’t generally associate with CEOs. Today, the Zuckster hosted his annual “town hall” meeting at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, CA, and announced that he’s finally giving the people what they want – a quick way to tell their friend that their latest status update totally sucks. Okay, so Facebook won’t be offering the much-demanded thumbs-down “dislike” option as an alternative to its iconic “like” button, but it will soon be providing users with a different way to respond to status updates, so that you can acknowledge a post without giving it a full-blown thumbs up. “It’s important to give people more options than just ‘like’ to help express empathy and sympathy,” Zuckerberg said today. “Not every moment is a good moment.” Reps for Facebook declined to go into further detail, but did claim that Zuckerberg stands by statements he made in December in response to the overwhelming demand for a “dislike” button: “Some people have asked for a dislike button because they want to say, ‘That thing isn’t good,'” Zuckerberg said at the time. “And that’s not something that we think is good for the world. So we’re not going to build that.” The important takeaways here are: We probably won’t be getting a “dislike” button, but we will get something we can click that makes a statement along the lines of “that sucks.”  The dude who’s been a billionaire since college is somehow aware that “not every moment is a good moment.” Maybe someone finally made him watch The Social Network. View Slideshow: 33 Most Epic Facebook Fails of All Time

Originally posted here:
Facebook "Dislike" Button: Coming Soon?

Is It Tiger Woods? Or Bigfoot?

Did someone finally capture Tiger Woods on film? Sightings of the elusive golfer all over the world have become so commonplace he might as well be Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster or…

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Is It Tiger Woods? Or Bigfoot?