I got this. Those three words were the best part of Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 13 . A major letdown of a series finale, the final ride for SAMCRO first found Jax Teller helping to settle some club business. He and his boys killed the IRA king and his henchmen in order to set Connor up as the gun distributor for The Mayans in California. They also voted TO in as a member. Watch Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 13 Online Jax, meanwhile, was busy settling some of his own matters at home. He told Nero about papers that signed over his houses to Wendy and said she ought to leave Charming to raise the boys anywhere. Why? Where was Jax headed? He told Nero he didn’t know, and then also told him that he killed Gemma. He said it’s all he knows how to do. He’s a murderer and a criminal and he doesn’t want his kids to have positive memories of him. He wants a life for them far away from SAMCRO. At that, Nero and Wendy left for Norco with Abel and Thomas. They’ll serve those children well, we have no doubt. Along the lines of his inspired mission, Jax told the District Attorney about Gemma killing Tara. He told them where to find Gemma and Unser’s bodies. He killed August Marks. He killed Barosky. He made it so Charming could be safe once again and then he had Chibs shoot Happy in the arm (after naming Chibs President and Chibs naming Tig his VP) to make it look like he escaped from the Mr. Mayhem vote. Jax then spoke to his late father at the place JT died, fired a couple shots at a cop and engaged many policemen on a chase. He was on the open road. He had done all he could to make up for his recent past mistakes. And when the time was right, he let go of the handlebars. Jax Teller drove straight into a truck and killed himself, a scene you can view when you watch Sons of Anarchy online . All in all, the finale was dragged out and predictable. It was clear since last week that Jax would take his own life and every other storyline on the insanely long final episode failed to hold our interest. What did everyone else thin? Grade Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 13 below: A B C D F View Poll »
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Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 13 Recap: So Long, SAMCRO