Tag Archives: really-peaceful

Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 13 Recap: So Long, SAMCRO

I got this. Those three words were the best part of  Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 13 . A major letdown of a series finale, the final ride for SAMCRO first found Jax Teller helping to settle some club business. He and his boys killed the IRA king and his henchmen in order to set Connor up as the gun distributor for The Mayans in California. They also voted TO in as a member. Watch Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 13 Online Jax, meanwhile, was busy settling some of his own matters at home. He told Nero about papers that signed over his houses to Wendy and said she ought to leave Charming to raise the boys anywhere. Why? Where was Jax headed? He told Nero he didn’t know, and then also told him that he killed Gemma. He said it’s all he knows how to do. He’s a murderer and a criminal and he doesn’t want his kids to have positive memories of him. He wants a life for them far away from SAMCRO. At that, Nero and Wendy left for Norco with Abel and Thomas. They’ll serve those children well, we have no doubt. Along the lines of his inspired mission, Jax told the District Attorney about Gemma killing Tara. He told them where to find Gemma and Unser’s bodies. He killed August Marks. He killed Barosky. He made it so Charming could be safe once again and then he had Chibs shoot Happy in the arm (after naming Chibs President and Chibs naming Tig his VP) to make it look like he escaped from the Mr. Mayhem vote. Jax then spoke to his late father at the place JT died, fired a couple shots at a cop and engaged many policemen on a chase. He was on the open road. He had done all he could to make up for his recent past mistakes. And when the time was right, he let go of the handlebars. Jax Teller drove straight into a truck and killed himself, a scene you can view when you watch Sons of Anarchy online . All in all, the finale was dragged out and predictable. It was clear since last week that Jax would take his own life and every other storyline on the insanely long final episode failed to hold our interest. What did everyone else thin? Grade Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 13 below:   A B C D F View Poll »

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Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Episode 13 Recap: So Long, SAMCRO

True Tori Season 2 Episode 8 Recap: Dean Quits Show After EPIC Fight, Serves Kids Black Mac & Cheese

True Tori Season 2 Episode 8 marked the second season finale of this train wreck of a Lifetime reality show, and in the course of the hour, Tori was hospitalized. What landed her there? How did Dean McDermott react? What epic fight concluded the season, and where did it leave the embattled couple going forward? Watch True Tori Season 2 Episode 8 Online When True Tori Season 2 Episode 8 got underway, Tori Spelling was still pissed at Dean for bringing home another woman at the end of last week’s installment. Pissed may not do justice to it, really. Of course, by Dean bringing home other woman , we don’t mean Emily Goodhand, or some plaything to have fun with. It was just a female friend he met in rehab that he thought would be a good babysitter. Probably not the best idea to hire her and not tell your wife, Dean. Still, Tori just unloads on him in therapy, and he SCREAMS in response: “If you don’t like my instincts, you don’t like my choices, you don’t think I can get here, you don’t think I can understand your feelings, than why the f–k are you with me?” She questions how that would be okay, given … well, Emily Goodhand . “I don’t know. I can’t think for other women,” said the frustrated father of four. “This was my thought process – good, bad or indifferent. I thought I was helping!” He storms out of the room, later texting a producer for the show and says he’s done. Not just with the show, but possibly for good. He may not come home. Things take an even more dramatic turn as Tori is rushed to the hospital. Dean dutifully takes care of the kids while Tori Spelling was treated following a nervous breakdown she may or may not have hinted was Ebola for attention. While she was hospitalized, Dean spoke of how much he misses her. “Things have been really peaceful and calm at home,” McDermott reflected. “I’ve gotta be honest or it’s not gonna work, and it’s really peaceful here.” So he doesn’t miss her at all basically. Dean then proceeds to feed the kids black mac and cheese for dinner. It was a mummy-themed idea, but still. If his wife decides to watch True Tori online , then watch the f–k out! Tori eventually leaves the hospital, only to suffer multiple additional breakdowns, further demonstrating how unstable she and this marriage really are. That appears to drive her man over the edge. Dean quits the show . Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott: Through Good Times and Bad 1. Tori and Dean Moment Tori and Dean share a touching moment. So much to say about these two. “The lines are so blurred with this f–king show,” he says, noting that he doesn’t know if he’s taking to Tori Spelling or to True Tori cameras anymore. “I want to share my feelings and thoughts with you. I don’t want people seeing me go through this process. It’s just not good for me,” Dean admits. “I don’t feel good about it anymore … I just can’t continue on.” “Where does that leave me?” Tori laments, and Dean says he has no answer, but he will not be continuing with the show next season if there is one. Honestly it’s hard to blame the guy.

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True Tori Season 2 Episode 8 Recap: Dean Quits Show After EPIC Fight, Serves Kids Black Mac & Cheese

Herman Cain to Quit Presidential Race Amid Scandal?

Amid a flurry of salacious allegations, GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain is thinking seriously about becoming former GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain. All before a single vote has been cast in the race, no less. The Georgia businessman told his staff this morning that he’s “reassessing” his bid for the White House after yet another female accuser – Ginger White – came forward with accusations against him, specifically that they had a 13-YEAR affair. Ginger White Speaks on Herman Cain Affair The Iowa caucuses are scheduled for January 3. While he no longer has frontrunner status, polling indicates Cain could still be competitive in Iowa. Cain has denied the affair allegations in public and did so again during the conference call, but told his staff, “Obviously, this is cause for reassessment.” Before Ginger White, four other women accused Cain of sexual harassment during his tenure as head of the National Restaurant Association in the ’90s. He refuted those claims as well, but acknowledged that with White, he says, ” we have to reassess whether or not this is going to create too much of a cloud, in some people’s minds, as to whether or not they would be able to support us going forth.” Cain admits he knows White, but had only been trying to help her out financially … as a friend. No word if Gloria Cain will back him up on that one.

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Herman Cain to Quit Presidential Race Amid Scandal?

T.I. Calls Gays Complaining About Tracy Morgan Jokes "Un-American"

Remember Tracy Morgan’s homophobic rant earlier this year? No? Well T.I. does, and he thinks it was hilarious! The rapper brought the scandal back to life when he told Vibe that Morgan’s anti-gay jokes were the funniest of all time. The comments have Morgan toeing a fine line between staying under the radar and distancing himself from T.I., who’s reveled in “the funniest jokes I ever heard.” T.I. then ignited even more controversy. Not only does he find the anti-gay humor funny, he suggested that the backlash against Morgan’s stand-up is un-American. “They’re like, ‘If you have an opinion against us, we’re gonna shut you down,'” T.I. told Vibe . “That’s not American. If you’re gay you should have the right to be gay in peace.” “If you’re against it, you should also have the right to be against it in peace.” The rapper, who was recently freed from jail , later walked that last part back somewhat, saying that gays are not anti-American, but the actions of a select few are. “I believe you have the right to do whatever you want to do as long as you’re not hurting anyone. I was quoted correctly, but I was taken out of context,” he said. He says the U.S.A. is an “institution built around allowing us to speak peacefully and respectfully in opposition of any point or any topic that comes up,” T.I. added. He went on to add that he’s not even against same-sex marriage, and that members of the African-American community acts in the same, oversensitive way as well. Fair enough, but is what Morgan said, which was borderline hateful, really peaceful or respectful? And would T.I. react the same way to N-word-laden rants? Just curious. Thoughts on T.I.’s comments?

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T.I. Calls Gays Complaining About Tracy Morgan Jokes "Un-American"