Tag Archives: raising hope

Julianne Hough: Slammed as "Moron," Undeserving Celebrity by Martha Plimpton

Martha Plimpton makes us crack up on Raising Hope . But the veteran actress saw nothing to laugh about this weekend after photos of Julianne Hough in blackface went viral. The Dancing with the Stars professional was merely dressed as a character from Orange is the New Black, but that didn’t matter to Plimpton. Julianne Hough: Sorry for Blackface! “It’s not hard,” Plimpton Tweeted. “White people: Do not wear blackface. Life will still be okay if you don’t ever, ever, ever wear blackface. OKAY? GREAT.” Following some online backlash (“Five hours later, it’s crazy racist trolls all over my timeline. Ugh.”), the occasional The Good Wife guest star elaborated on her opinion: “I don’t respond to every stupid thing every idiot does. Just the stuff I think matters. Blackface matters.” Plimpton then weighed in on the nature of fame and got pretty personal with Hough. “Can we use this moment additionally to also recognize that elevating morons to celebrity status does not help the world in any way? Ever?” she wrote. “Not every pretty person with two legs needs to be famous. People who DO things, okay. It just makes nonsense like this inevitable.” Ouch. Easy there, Martha. The actress did finally relent, acknowledging Hough’s apology for the outfit and concluding: “I do feel bad for calling @juliannehough a moron. That was mean. Ugh. I’m sorry. Glad she acknowledged her mistake. I should, too.” What do YOU think of Hough donning blackface for Halloween?   So funny! So wrong! So… who cares?!? View Poll »  

See the article here:
Julianne Hough: Slammed as "Moron," Undeserving Celebrity by Martha Plimpton

Hilary Duff’s Hotness Is Getting Back To Work

I guess Hilary Duff ‘s maternity leave is over, because here she is being escorted onto the Raising Hope set. It’s nice to see the new MILF getting back to work, but I hope that’s not what they’re having her wear during the episode. I had been thinking more along the lines of a bikini and a trampoline for Hilary’s first time back — since I know it’s a family show, I figured I should stay a little more conservative. Save the rest for Cinemax. Related Articles: Hilary Duff Gets Kissy Face On Twitter Hilary Duff’s Breasts Revealed!!! Hilary Duff Has One Crazy Badonkadonk Hilary Duff Works It Good Photos: Fameflynet

See the article here:
Hilary Duff’s Hotness Is Getting Back To Work

American Idol Judges Diss The Voice, Weigh in on Male Champions

Oh, it is on between American Idol and The Voice . During their panel discussion at yesterday’s Television Critics Association winter press tour session, judges Jennifer Lopez, Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler left little doubt that they don’t care much for NBC’s singing competition, which gets underway on February 5. Among the disses lobbed at The Voice by this trio and/or Fox executives: “It’s a compliment to Idol. We’re not hiring a lot of people from The Voice to be on our show.” – Fox reality president Mike Darnell on Kelly Clarkson joining The Voice as a mentor “It was almost like second chance people; it wasn’t some new artist.” – Randy Jackson on The Voice champion Javier Colon having had a contract with Capitol Records

Beyonce Baby Name: Blue Ivy Carter, Not Ivy Blue!

Gwyneth Paltrow saves the day. Just one day after Beyonce gave birth , her famous BFF has clarified a major detail online, revealing the correct name of Bey’s beautiful newborn daughter. Some sources reported the name one way, while others flipped the little one’s first and middle names. But thanks to Gwyneth’s Tweet , we know … It’s Blue Ivy Carter, not Ivy Blue Carter! It’s all semantics really. We liked the name Ivy Blue, but Blue Ivy also has a cool, different ring to it. More importantly, she has two very loving, protective parents. Not to mention, she’s already one of the most famous celebrity babies of all time. We can’t wait until the photos are released in the tabloids … which won’t happen. Ever. This is a couple that waited years to confirm they were even married. Wait, that didn’t even take place. Public records proved it, not the couple. You get the idea! Congrats again to Jay, Bey and baby Blue! [Photo: WENN.com]

See original here:
Beyonce Baby Name: Blue Ivy Carter, Not Ivy Blue!

Charlie Sheen: No Longer Crazy!

Charlie Sheen has good news for his family members, but troubling news for those of us who dish on celebrity gossip for a living: the actor is no longer insane. That’s what Sheen – posing below with Raising Hope star Cloris Leachman – told reporters yesterday at the Television Critics Association winter press session. “I’m not crazy any more. That was an episode,” Sheen joked last night. “I think I’m a different person than I was yesterday. Everything is a lot more mellow and focused and much more rooted in reality.” Of course, the new attitude doesn’t mean Sheen won’t zing Two and a Half Men creator Chuck Lorre still. Asked about his upcoming FX comedy, Anger Management , Sheen said: “It’s nice to be in a situation where the people I’m working with are excited about my input. That wasn’t the case for a long time.” How does the actor now define “winning?” What is his life like these days? “I’ve been spending a lot of time with the kids, a lot of time with the family and I’m getting back into work mode. I’m a single guy hanging out with my children.”

Originally posted here:
Charlie Sheen: No Longer Crazy!

Greyson Chance filming at The Grove


Greyson Chance was at The Grove today filming for Extra. The talented singer is making another guest appearance on the FOX show “Rasing Hope”.

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Greyson Chance filming at The Grove

Movieline Week in Review: Sundance the Night Away

Closing time, suckers! Another week successfully completed here at Movieline HQ, which means it’s time for another edition of our award-winning* Week in Review. Check back here on Saturday and Sunday for the hilarious words and sentences of weekend editor Dixon Gaines, and stick around for more Sundance updates from our team in Park City. In the meantime, click ahead for the good stuff!

Read more:
Movieline Week in Review: Sundance the Night Away

Preview Portlandia and ‘Put a Bird On It,’ Please

What’s On: Glee-for-All

We’re in for a freakishly resplendent season of Glee , complete with insane cameos (Gwyneth Paltrow, anyone? Barry Bostwick, anyone?) and more romance, melodrama, and harmony than a Fleetwood Mac coke bender. Elsewhere on TV, Detroit 1-8-7 proceeds with procedural flair, The Biggest Loser gets educational, and Dancing with the Stars loses a star.

Originally posted here:
What’s On: Glee-for-All