Tag Archives: review-check

This Week in Joan Rivers Insults: Tommy Lee Jones, Sarah Palin

Since we’re still all bitter that Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work wasn’t considered for the Oscar documentary shortlist, Movieline’s giving its own awards now. “Best Tommy Lee Jones/Fuhrer Joke” goes to Joan “You Don’t Even Know Me, Judd Apatow ” Rivers. At the tail end of a week where Rivers mocked Sarah Palin on Fox & Friends , she just named The Fugitive ‘s Oscar winner as Hollywood’s evilest, most Hitler-conjuring man. We had no idea! Let’s watch her explain.

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This Week in Joan Rivers Insults: Tommy Lee Jones, Sarah Palin

Movieline Week in Review: Sundance the Night Away

Closing time, suckers! Another week successfully completed here at Movieline HQ, which means it’s time for another edition of our award-winning* Week in Review. Check back here on Saturday and Sunday for the hilarious words and sentences of weekend editor Dixon Gaines, and stick around for more Sundance updates from our team in Park City. In the meantime, click ahead for the good stuff!

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Movieline Week in Review: Sundance the Night Away