Tag Archives: first-offers

REVIEW: Deep Cast Can’t Make The Debt Pay Off

No one comes out looking good in The Debt , a grim thriller from director John Madden: Not the Nazi purveyor of concentration camp atrocities, which is a given, but not the trio of young, dedicated Mossad agents sent to bring him to justice after the war either. The film’s a remake of a 2007 Israeli effort that never made it to US theaters, but that presumably carried with it a sense of self-critique, of taking on national mythologizing. Forgoing that focus, The Debt comes across as critical of human nature in general, as a tale of self-interest winning out over the greater good. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, particularly when the character who first offers up this assessment is the aforementioned Nazi monster.

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REVIEW: Deep Cast Can’t Make The Debt Pay Off