Tag Archives: after-the-war

Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln Sounds Thrilling!

“We start shooting in October. Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book Team Of Rivals is much too big a book to be a movie, so the Lincoln story only takes place in the last few months of his Presidency and life. I was interested in how he ended the war through all the efforts of his generals… but more importantly how he passed the 13th Amendment into constitutional law. The Emancipation Proclamation was a war powers act and could have been struck down by any court after the war ended… But what permanently ended slavery was the very close vote in the House of Representatives over the 13th Amendment — that story I’m excited to tell.” Fine, but who will pay for the 3-D glasses? [ Empire ]

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Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln Sounds Thrilling!

REVIEW: Deep Cast Can’t Make The Debt Pay Off

No one comes out looking good in The Debt , a grim thriller from director John Madden: Not the Nazi purveyor of concentration camp atrocities, which is a given, but not the trio of young, dedicated Mossad agents sent to bring him to justice after the war either. The film’s a remake of a 2007 Israeli effort that never made it to US theaters, but that presumably carried with it a sense of self-critique, of taking on national mythologizing. Forgoing that focus, The Debt comes across as critical of human nature in general, as a tale of self-interest winning out over the greater good. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, particularly when the character who first offers up this assessment is the aforementioned Nazi monster.

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REVIEW: Deep Cast Can’t Make The Debt Pay Off

Walter Cronkite Dies At 92

Walter Cronkite was born on November 4, 1916.

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Walter Cronkite Dies At 92