Tag Archives: fiscal-summit

Bill Clinton: Hillary 2016 Run Has Not Come Up

It’s the perennial talk of the political world, but Bill Clinton is less than decisive about the prospect of his wife, Hillary Clinton, running for president in 2016. “She hasn’t mentioned it to me,” Clinton said of the Hillary 2016 buzz when asked at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s 2013 Fiscal Summit in D.C. “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know this: that is the worst expenditure of our time,” he said, adding that it’s “frustrating” to be talking politics. “She’s taking a role in the foundation, she’s writing books, she’s having a little fun being a private citizen for the first time in 20 years,” Clinton said. “We need to be worried about the work at hand right now. All of us do.” “That way, whoever the next president is has an easier set of choices.” Good point, but still … since we’re on the topic: Hillary in 2016?   Gosh yes! Please run, Hill! We’ll see who else runs. Gosh, no! UGH. View Poll »

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Bill Clinton: Hillary 2016 Run Has Not Come Up