Tag Archives: fitness-levels

Katy Perry in Her Bikini Looking Dumpy of the Day

Katy Perry is just an average at best looking girl who managed to make it. She was a try hard hipster with really bad skin with good timing and more importantly big tits that people with connections didn’t mind fucking. The fact that she made it to this level of fame is almost criminal. It is a fucking giant shit on pop culture because she’s not talented, her songs are irritating, she can’t dance, her style is offensive, and above fucking all she’s ugly….and I don’t just mean kinda ugly…I mean real fucking ugly, the kind of bitch you would only notice at the coffee shop cuz of her extreme stench of cat piss, cuz cats are the only people she likes… You get what I am saying here, and if you don’t just look at the bikini pics, and you’ll probably get it, unless you’re one of those guys who just can’t see past a fucking bikini…..and all it takes a bitch to redeem herself is some half nakedness, like me… But at least I know that this is nothing special, fitness levels are dumpy for what I’d want in a popstar, the worst kind of con artist….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Katy Perry in Her Bikini Looking Dumpy of the Day