Retired Cop Flashes Subway Passenger And Wields Gun Some nasty bastard former cop decided to pleasure himself to the sight of some poor woman while waiting on the N/R train…then pulled out his other weapon when a bystander tried to catch him on camera to file a complaint. Via NYDN : A retired detective who allegedly exposed himself to a woman in a Midtown subway station and then waved a gun at a man who tried to snap his picture told investigators he was urinating during the incident, court papers show. Steven Esposito, 56, of Staten Island, was arraigned Wednesday on charges of menacing and public lewdness. He was released without bail. A 38-year-old woman said she saw Esposito fondling himself while staring at her and smiling at the 59 St. N/R station late Monday, the criminal complaint said. A man on the platform tried to take a picture, but Esposito took out his gun and told him to mind his own business. He’s due back in court on Dec. 1. SMH. The NYPD sure has some winners in its ranks, huh?
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Retired Cop Flashes Peen On Subway, Flashes Gun When Bystander Tries To Interject