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#BlackInkCrewChi Ryan And Charmaine Respond To Secret Smashing Rumors—& Is Kat Tat Still Booed Up With Phor???

For your listening pleasure… Ryan Henry, Charmaine Johnise And Kat Tat On Bossip’s Podcast On the latest episode of Don’t Be Scared , David Dani and Jah chat with three of VH1’s Black Ink Crew Chicago cast members. Kat Tat first stopped by to talk her loyalty to 9 Mag… “The thing that the show doesn’t see, we were open a while before the show even came. I paid my dues tremendously, I’ve held them down in ways you wouldn’t even think of. […] I know I’m not doing nothing wrong by minding my business and progressing myself. I’m just doing me.” her former “work husband” Phor… “I’m not interested at all anymore. Unfortunately I’m single. We had a long history since we opened up the shop, Ryan was like Uncle Ryan, Van was like Brother Van and Phor was the one—so it had been that since we met. There was chemistry there. I know what type of guy Phor is, I knew that he was into a lot of girls. It dragged on, it was a very hectic relationship for a while. Even after we ended on the show we messed around for a while. […] He does not have a bad bone in his body. It just didn’t work out, he’s unloyal God damnit.” and to give the real deal on those fights between her and Charmaine. “Charmaine and Danielle are actually both my best friends. They came to the shop to hang out with me then naturally they got close with the guys and then eventually started working there. Charmaine and I we’re like sisters, so when she kinda crossed on me—she knows everything that happened last season between me and the guys. They had my back, my girls are my support system. So just for her to switch a ll of a sudden, it hurt me more than anything. I’m anti-violence, so I would never go and punch somebody in the face but I did wanna go and wring her out. I would never wanna like whoop somebody. That’s not me.” On who won the fights: “I’m a Taurus so we see red. Security broke it up pretty quick— I guess [I won.]” Things got especially interesting however when Ryan and Charmaine stopped by and flat out denied that they were secretly a couple. Hit the flip to see what they said.

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#BlackInkCrewChi Ryan And Charmaine Respond To Secret Smashing Rumors—& Is Kat Tat Still Booed Up With Phor???