Tag Archives: floor-at-some

Kim Kardashian: 11 Invaluable Life Lessons She Taught Us

When life gives you lemons, make a glass of lemonade. If you're following Kim Kardashian's mantra, replace lemons with sex tape, and create a burgeoning career for you and yours. There's a side to Kim that's relatable.  She has fat days like the rest of us, and feels insecure without her armor (a good pair of Spanx). And while it's impossible to completely emulate a life as lived by Kim, we sure can learn from her experiences. Good on ya, Kim. 1. It’s OK To Laugh At Yourself Because if you don’t, you’ll bawl your eyes out. 2. Enjoy The Moment You’re allowed to be smug. You worked hard to get here. 3. Don’t Just Sit There And Complain (you may cry for a bit, but pick yourself up off the floor at some point and make a change) 4. Sometimes You Have To Lighten The Mood Even if it pisses off your mother. 5. Even If You’re Blue, Find a Bright Spot Life taking selfies and getting “artsy” with your bad self. 6. Let Your Inner Fat Kid Out From Time To Time Aren’t we all, Kim? View Slideshow

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Kim Kardashian: 11 Invaluable Life Lessons She Taught Us