Tag Archives: flying-herself

2 Black Police Officers Murdered By White Man In South Carolina Shootout, GOP Swallows Tongue

Image via Richland County Two Black Officers Killed In South Carolina Shootout 74-year-old Frederick T. Hopkins has been charged with the double murder of two Black police officers in Florence, South Carolina. Sgt. Terrence Carraway died on the scene back on October 3 and Investigator Farrah B. Turner died this past Monday after weeks of fighting to stay alive. Police went to Hopkins home earlier this month to talk to his son about a sexual assault investigation and things went very, very left. The shootout left 6 officers shot, one who is still in critical condition and the two who have passed away. ABC Columbia reports that Turner had to have both of her feet amputated and underwent 9 surgeries. Shaun King took to Instagram to point out the fact that Republicans, the NRA and other far right groups who were screaming “blue lives matter” as a faux outraged response to “Black lives matter” haven’t said a peep. The same people who spouted off false narratives about the “Ferguson effect” haven’t a word to say about this. Guess you gotta be white AND blue for your life to matter. Sad, but not the least bit surprising.

2 Black Police Officers Murdered By White Man In South Carolina Shootout, GOP Swallows Tongue

Brittany Renner Got Clowned For Rumored No-Expense Paid Kaepernick Booty Call — Here’s How She’s Responding…

(Photo by Prince Williams/WireImage) Brittany Renner Responds To Tell-All Book Critics Brittany Renner’s got time tew-day! Folks on twitter tried to clown her over one of her “thotty” tell-all adventures, as told in her book “ Judge This Cover “, and she’s responding. Apparently, there’s a story Brittany tells about flying herself to meet a sex-buddy and then being dumped by him that people think is about Colin Kaepernick. In general, people joked that Brittany took a fat L for paying for her own flight, when she was pitching her poon to a multimillion dollar athlete. Hit the flip to see what folks we’re saying, and see Brittany’s weird response to it all on the last page.

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Brittany Renner Got Clowned For Rumored No-Expense Paid Kaepernick Booty Call — Here’s How She’s Responding…