Tag Archives: folks-as-well

Miley Cyrus: Moving In With Liam Hemsworth!

It’s looking like the rumors of Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth getting back together are rumors no longer. In the past 24 hours we’ve seen Miley wearing an engagement ring on Instagram, and now it looks as though she’s moving into Liam’s Malibu home. Yes, according to TMZ, Miley was spotted unloading a U-Haul outside of Liam’s crib over the weekend. Coming on the heels of news that Miley spent the holidays in Australia with Liam and his family, this seems like a pretty good indication that these two are definitely back on.  Miley, of course, will hold on to her Los Angeles-area mansion, but onlookers say she unloaded a truck full of essentials at Liam’s house with the apparent intention of dividing her time between the two massive homes. Needless to say, it’s a bit more serious than leaving a toothbrush in Liam’s bathroom. The two have yet to confirm the news, but we’re hoping it’s as serious as it seems, if only so that we get to witness the day-glo space oddity that would be a Miley Cyrus wedding. Now that David Bowie is gone, Miley is our most prominent musician/intergalactic weirdo, and we need a mega-dose of her candy-colored freakiness ASAP. View Slideshow: Miley Cyrus’ Weirdest Instagram Photos

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Miley Cyrus: Moving In With Liam Hemsworth!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West: Fighting About Baby #3 ALREADY?!

It’s only been a month since Kim Kardashian and Kanye West welcomed their second child and already, the world is wondering if and when the couple will try for baby number three . Of course, Kim has strongly and repeatedly implied that she’s done having kids. Her second pregnancy was a difficult one ; she and Kanye had trouble conceiving; and doctors have reportedly told her that a third pregnancy would result in even more complications. Sources say she’s tried to convince Kanye to get a vasectomy , but Yeezy has reportedly been resistant to the idea. Now, Radar Online is reporting that Kim wants to get her tubes tied to ensure that ‘Ye doesn’t slip one past the goalie, but apparently, her husband isn’t having that idea either: “Kanye thinks she shouldn’t be making any permanent decisions about future babies right now because she’s so depressed about her body,” a source close to the situation tells Radar . “Kim is sticking to her position that this was her last pregnancy. [Kanye] is begging her to hold off on doing anything permanent.” Obviously, folks as well off as Kim and Kanye have plenty of options, but for Yeezy, procreating is an act of egotism, and he reportedly has no interest in other means of expanding his brood. “He wants to continue growing the family and he’s ‘creeped out’ by the idea of surrogacy,” says the insider. Yes, surrogacy creeps Kanye out, but he’s fine with the idea of his wife enduring another painful, risky pregnancy.  So if you were worried that fatherhood would make Kanye less Kanye, it looks like you can officially put those fears to bed. View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Pregnant Pics: Big Bump! Even Bigger Boobs!

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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West: Fighting About Baby #3 ALREADY?!