Tag Archives: following-suit

Brielle Zolciak Makes Like Mom & Kylie Jenner with HUGE Lips

Kim Zolciak’s 18-year-old daughter, Brielle, has channeled her reality star mom – and her inner Kylie Jenner – by getting her lips enlarged. For real. Dr. Simon Ourian, the same surgeon who went to work on the Keeping up with the Kardashians plastic princess, did the honors here. Unlike Kylizzle, Brielle seems pretty open about the process. “Thank you thank you thank you!!! to my favorite, @simonourianmd1 !!! my lips are my biggest insecurity and I’m so happy w my results now! :)” The teenager added: “You truly are the best! even though I hate needles you made this very easy! thank you again #simonourian #epione.” Kylie Jenner, also 18, denied getting her lips done for what felt like an eternity until being forced to come clean about having the procedure. Brielle had no such reservations, since it runs in the family. Fans of her mom know that plastic surgery pics and Kim Zolciak Photoshop fails are a dime a dozen online. Woman loves her appearance. To a fault? That’s not for us to say, but we can say with certainty that she is quite narcissistically into herself and her social media accounts. For better or worse, Brie-Z is following suit and then some. Do you think she looks better with her lips enlarged? Is she just way too young to be caring or partaking in such a practice? Discuss below . View Slideshow: Kim Zolciak Body Selfies

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Brielle Zolciak Makes Like Mom & Kylie Jenner with HUGE Lips