The New York Times reports today that the paper will cut 8 percent of its newsroom staff, or around 100 people by the end of 2009. added by: knews121 9 comments
Here is the original post:
The New York Times to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs
The New York Times reports today that the paper will cut 8 percent of its newsroom staff, or around 100 people by the end of 2009. added by: knews121 9 comments
Here is the original post:
The New York Times to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged after-the-first, around-100, current, disputed, first-round, follows-weeks, paper, reports-today, votes-below
KABUL – Afghanistan's election commission Tuesday ordered a Nov. 7 runoff in the disputed presidential poll after a fraud investigation dropped incumbent Hamid Karzai's votes below 50 percent of the total
Here is the original post:
Afghan commission orders election runoff: Fraud investigation stripped incumbent Karzai of victory
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged afghanistan, after-the-first, azizullah, disputed, finding, first-round, follows-weeks, hamid-karzai, Hollywood, independent, total, votes-below