Tag Archives: reports-today

Justin Bieber Loses 80,000 Twitter Fans After Hair Cut

Justin Bieber’s old haircut Based on reports today, 17-year-old pop singer, Justin Bieber, lost 80,000 fans on Twitter, after cutting his hair. Hate to say I told you so, but I told you so last week, before the Twitter plunge. The new choppy hairstyle is not flattering on the young singer and apparently his audience thinks the same. Justin Bieber’s new haircut Oh well, it’s just hair, it will grow out, but styling is important in the public eye. It’s not about being vain, but looking finished, polished and presentable. No word on what the Bieber has to say about his audience’s reaction to his new do. And one more thing. I say it in the kindest way possible – pull your pants up, Biebs. No need to give girls that kind of a show (or Kim Kardashian for that matter). Side Bar: Ironically, the incompetent, bumbling head of the FBI, Robert S. Mueller, said Bieber should get a haircut in a ridiculous speech he gave weeks ago. So much for his instincts, then. STORY SOURCE Bieber’s Haircut Costs Him 80000 Twitter Followers Justin Bieber y su nuevo ‘look’ pierden 80.000 fans en Twitter Why did Justin Bieber lose 80000 Twitter followers? Justin Loses 80000 Twitter Followers… PANIC!! FBI Wants Bieber To Get A Haircut (January 31, 2011)

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Justin Bieber Loses 80,000 Twitter Fans After Hair Cut

Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Split?

More rumors of trouble in paradise for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie . British tabloid News of the World reports today that the Hollywood super couple have seen lawyers and signed a $300 million split deal. Brangelina are said to have secretly signed legal papers agreeing to divide their huge fortune and share their six children.

Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Split?

The New York Times to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs

The New York Times reports today that the paper will cut 8 percent of its newsroom staff, or around 100 people by the end of 2009. added by: knews121 9 comments

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The New York Times to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs

Single-cell organism an inch wide

It’s a single cell, it’s the size of a grape, and it propels itself across the ocean floor: Behold the Bahamian Gromia — one of the strangest beasts yet discovered in the briny deep. Gromia sphaerica, as the organisms are known, are superbig amoebas, growing up to 1.5 inches in diameter. They were first discovered in 2000 in the Arabian Sea, and have since been found in various locations around the world.

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Single-cell organism an inch wide

Amazon offfers redelivery or $30 after deleting 1984

In July, Amazon set the cat among the pigeons by remotely deleting digital copies of two George Orwell books from Kindle readers. It took the deplorable step after it realized that unauthorized copies of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four and Animal Farm were being sold on the Kindle Store. The ensuing hullabaloo haled Amazon into admitting its stupidity….

Amazon offfers redelivery or $30 after deleting 1984

Dogs first tamed to be food

Wolves were domesticated no more than 16,300 years ago in southern China, a new genetic analysis suggests—and it's possible the canines were tamed to be livestock, not pets, the study author speculates. “In this region, even today, eating dog is a big cultural thing,” noted study co-author Peter Savolainen, a biologist at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. “And you can also see in the historical records as far back as you can go that eating dogs has been very common” in East Asia

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Dogs first tamed to be food

Is your baby racist?

Kids as young as 6 months judge others based on skin color. What's a parent to do? At the Children's Research Lab at the University of Texas, a database is kept on thousands of families in the Austin area who have volunteered to be available for scholarly research.

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Is your baby racist?

China closes in on anonymous commenters

Hey, Commenters! Wouldn't that suck if you had to comment under your real names? The New York Times reports today that the Chinese government issued a confidential edict last month: commenters on China's news sites must use their real identities.

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China closes in on anonymous commenters